Judge Arthur Engoron and his staff received a barrage of death threats and antisemitic attacks after Donald Trump targeted them on social media.
If this happens one or two hundred more times there might be maybe serious sort of consequences!
But one death threat towards Trump and you got the mercaroids kicking in your bathroom door.
I don’t know why Trump is getting special treatment
I know at least a couple million, but probably not a billion reasons why
(But not really)
Somebody is going to have to die in order for nothing to continue happening.
If it was literally anyone else, they would be in jail and only allowed outside contact through their lawyers
after Donald Trump targeted them on social media.
…while, as a former president, being protected by the Secret Service at taxpayer expense.
That just ain’t right.
It’s as if saying “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” is a time-tested means of getting meddlesome priests murdered, and somehow it’s still effectively legal for the Trumps of the world to incite that kind of violence. It’s also as if America’s justice system plain doesn’t want to hold wealthy or powerful people accountable
This man inspires the wrong people.
It’s not just him. It’s the whole right of the spectrum right now. Here in Canada the head of the opposition in parliament tweeted a wanted sign on two senators. One of them in Cornwall, Ontario. This is growingly a radical element of shitheads that are ruining the world for the large majority.
This man should not be in a position to inspire anyone.
One of my favorite quotes:
“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
Gotta cite it – Douglas Adams. (Didn’t have to even look it up, it’s one of my favorites too)
I think it’s most* want, not must want.
He inspired me to never be like him.
This man inspires people the wrong way.
And I’ll bet he couldn’t be happier about it. That fucker needs to be launched into the sun.
I would say that something slower and more painful is in order, but he’s old, and frankly, expediency benefits us all at this point.
What do you have against the sun?
Fair point.
Any of the gas giants or their moons would also suffice.
oh who could ever have seen this coming
If they come to his house with rifles, the judge will seriously consider checking that their safetys are on.
“alright now I’m gonna turn around and count to ten, and when I turn back around you boys better have those safeties on or I’ll be really upset with all of you”
If we were to drown Trump in a vat of his own diapers, it would make the world a better, saner place.
Barring that, I’d settle for him dying in prison.
I won’t settle for anything less than death by curb stomping at this point.
Good ol’ American History X style. Very fitting.
Except this time it’s the fascist getting the curby.
People are very eager to throw their lives into the volcano for him. My only question is why do people want to do this for a reality TV personality and a man who looks like a chimney sweep at the nacho factory?
Because they are acting/thinking irrationally. I’m not entirely sure what the solution to that is except to gently, slowly, and dispassionately ask small binary questions to lead them in explaining their thought processes until they’ve explained far enough that they admit the position they hold is fundamentally rooted in irrational emotion rather than logic.
At that point, they ultimately have a choice to make. They can admit they are being irrational, embrace it, and continue to act irrationally intentionally, or they can change their position.
I think this approach to conversation is infinitely more productive than both sides just yelling past each other and neither side actually speaking the same language.
I am sure people who study and follow cults are fascinated with the whole situation.
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Please remember, just because Trump doesn’t respect the rule of law, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t either.
GWB literally justified the Iraq War by saying that the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.
Trump has been far worse for the world than Saddam, and now we have a precedent to follow.
Saddam got off easy; Trump deserves to be Gaddafi’d.
Somebody take out the garbage already!
Not really doing his Jan 6th case any favors here either.