That price tag is missing its Trump “I did this!” sticker.
Thanks for reminding me about him looking straight at the sun like a 2 year old.
He needs to see the target he want to nuke
I need a high resolution version so I can print some stickers.
I prefer the first one the other person posted. It shows off his stupidity when he looked at the sun, and also it looks like he’s kinda happy about it.
What are you using to print stickers, I’ve been wanting to do the same but can only find quite expensive machines to do it.
I actually just use Sticker Mule.
Thanks for that, prices seem quite reasonable
I use them ony snowboards and skate boards. I have some that have been on for years and they have yet to peel or fade.
6.19 in Oklahoma.
I moved to California from Tulsa last year and that blows my mind. They’re $12 here one per customer but Cali had made me numb to outrageous prices but that price in Oklahoma brings it all back.
Y’all I thought the whole “price of eggs” thing was kind of a meme/exaggeration (I’m Canadian), but holy shit $12??? I live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada and we pay like 7CAD. You’re probably better off raising a community chicken at those prices.
To be fair about 4 or 5 months ago they were less than $2 but this bird flu shot has seen it just get completely out of hand. I didn’t even live in the most expensive city here.
I know it’s crude but I still can’t kick my love for the idea of a “I raped that too!” Sticker
Not really Trump. That’s avian flu driving that.
There are certainly voters who credit or blame everything in the economy on whoever happens to be President and voted for Trump because they saw a lot of inflation under Biden and hoped that voting for Trump would result in less inflation. Those guys are probably operating on a flawed understanding, though the “if things are going well economically at the moment, credit the President, and if they’re going badly, blame the President, because it must be the current President’s doing” is not a new phenomenon in American politics.
But this particular effect is really driven by nature.
Why are egg prices soaring?
Behind rising egg prices and shortages is a strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), known as H5N1, that killed 13.2 million commercial egg-laying hens in the month of December alone and continues to depopulate flocks into 2025, according to the USDA. Outbreaks of H5N1 were first detected in the U.S. in 2022 and are considered to be the main driver behind the years-long volatility in egg prices.
H5N1, which has a high mortality rate among infected poultry and wild birds, is being watched closely by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a potential public health threat. So far, the CDC has received one report of a person dying after being hospitalized with severe illness from the virus. Among cattle, the average mortality and culling rate is 2% or less, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. However, officials warn that H5N1 is lethal to cats
For now, the virus remains mostly a thorn in the side of U.S. consumers fed up with inflation.
Next thing you know you’ll be telling me Biden had no control over the price of gas! 😉
No one putting up an ‘I did this’ sticker actually gives a shit about the reasons for the price. And no one ever has.
If only there was some sort of center for disease control that could assist the American public in combating illness. Surely, if such a center did exist, the president wouldn’t hamstring them in some way in which may prevent farmers from taking action against infectious diseases destroying their livestock.
Oh, would you look at that, the president did hamstring the CDC by halting regular release of their scientific reports, and so it is, in fact, on him that bird flu is causing egg prices to soar.
Don’t worry, RFK Jr is going to fix it when he’s heading the HHS!
Yes. You see, he’s going to have them stop testing for it. Everyone knows if you stop testing for it then it no longer exists.
And the CDC being ordered to not report any data on the avian flu via an executive order is also not the current administrations fault I guess?
That order has a long-term effect though. In a few months it will probably be significantly worse than it would’ve been without that order but no decision made in the last couple of weeks could affect egg prices today.
If you try to get elected by blaming something on the currently elected official and say that you will fix that, be 100% prepared to take the blame if that thing gets worse even if it was something you had no control in whatsoever, because you stood up and took responsibility for it.
If you don’t want to be blamed for saying stupid things, stop saying stupid things.
In case you missed it from a few years ago.!
I’m calling it Trump Flu, because why not.
Say, is that the same CBS News who’s parent company, Paramount, is currently in talks to settle a legal dispute with Heir Trump because he didn’t like their accurate reporting about him so he sued?
Why yes, yes it is!
The primary problem is most people don’t understand inflation. Inflation is the speed at which things get more expensive. There is always creep up.
That’s what the 3% “cost of living” yearly raise is supposed to cover. It’s not really a “good job” raise, it just keeps your wage exactly the same as the prior year alongside inflation. Another thing a lot of people don’t understand, but that’s a bit of a digression.
So. Inflation speeds or slows but never reverses. Prices never go back down unless there’s recession. When the DC people talked about the economy being good they meant, in part, that inflation was fixed. We were back to 3%. The problem with that is it doesn’t bring down the price of anything. It only means that prices stopped jumping up so high compared to 2019.
So this idea that 2016 prices would return with Trump is based in a misunderstanding of economics. Prices don’t go back down.
In fact, like the COVID jump, I wouldn’t be surprised if the egg industry left prices up once the avian flu passes.
Joe Biden in office for four years: “I sleep”
Donald Trump in office for a week: “This is why your egg prices went up”
BlueMAGA is such a bleak turn for liberalism. We’re abandoning any idea that federal policy might affect our material conditions. Presidents are just a panacea, an excuse to close our eyes and insist everything is actually great, right up until the election cycle breaks against us at which point its not our fault so we can acknowledge it again.
The only thing Democrats in leadership seem to have learned from movement conservatism is how to lie to their rank-and-file members. Now all we do is pass the buck from one failing administration to another, while asserting everything bad is caused by Wrong Party Backed By Evil Foreign Government.
No wonder the US is embracing genocidal fascism on a national scale.
You do realize the comments are tongue-in-cheek right? It’s because he guaranteed an immediate drop in grocery prices and people are volleying after we had to hear a crapton of “Biden Did That” nonsense while gas prices rose back to previous levels alongside the economic recovery after the pandemic. No one here thinks either president is God.
I don’t know whether you’re just imperceptive or whether you’re being willfully oblivious so you can force-feed us the same bLUemAgA talking points you get rightfully downvoted for in every post.
Whose tongue in whose cheek? Are you hitting on me? It’s working.
Did Biden or Harris mention bird flu even once on the campaign trail? It certainly didn’t come up during the debate.
They just dug in their heels and insisted inflation was over
In any sane world, would something as specific as eggs drive politics? They also didn’t weigh in on how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie-pop. That’s fine, they should be concerned about bigger things
In any sane world, would something as specific as eggs drive politics?
Mass media is one hell of a drug. I remember the Swift Boat Veterans making the 2004 election about whether or not John Kerry faked his war wound to win a purple heart. And then there was the 1988 race, where the national news collectively shat itself over Dukakis doing a photo op in a tank (OG Tankie).
Conservative news outlets hammering every outlet with “Eggs! Too expensive! INFLATION! INFLATION! INFLATION!” stories made this a touchstone for a low of traditional media consuming voters.
Hey, in a different egg thread I wrote a long comment about why eggs matter. You can read it here.
It’s hard to get people to grasp the meaning of inflation, and even if a person has partial understanding it’s easy to obfuscate it with other measures, but the meaning of expensive eggs is clear to everyone.
I know the prez said he’d drop the price of groceries on day one, but he got a little sidetracked by his side project of destroying the country. But give him a few more weeks to get that done and then I’m sure he’ll get right back to the groceries.
Oh no, grocery prices are this term’s infrastructure week.
Groceries, the term he popularized that no one was using until he started saying it.
I used to buy those eggs at the bottom of the picture. They come with a newsletter inside about how the chickens are doing.
The cheap eggs now cost what those eggs used to cost.
I still buy those eggs, the notes they put in are cute.
I wonder if writing that up is a full-time job. I’d love to interview chickens.
Chickens can actually be vicious. I think they’re the closest living relation to the T-Rex.
Anecdote: My Trumpster in-laws could not stop yacking about “Biden’s high eggs prices” just last month. Haven’t heard a peep about the price of eggs since Trump came back. Now it’s just “God’s will.”
Nows your chance to return the favour. Complain to her about how expensive eggs are now under Trump.
Nu-uh Fox and friends said it was DEI and wokeness causing eggs prices to soar.
I know it is fun to think about getting back at these people but it doesn’t really work. They were never rational to begin with.
Weird: this is Safeway, Canada
(For readers, with the USD-CAD conversion they’re closer to
$5$4)deleted by creator
Hey Internet stranger, can I buy some of your eggs?
quick, before the orange clown adds tariffs 😆
This needs more upvotes. There’s no way these should cost more than meat, whatever the excuse.
There isn’t a massive bovine flu killing huge swathes of flocks…
Lets be clear. Its still bird flu. Not bovine flu. Regardless of whether cattle are getting it.
If a person gets swine flu it doesnt suddenly become human flu.
Things have names and this distinction matters.
Sure but the point is that there isn’t a disease sweeping through cattle herds killing most of them etc.
Which is happening to flocks of birds, including poultry.
Oh there is a flu sweeping through cattle herds. Its bird flu. Its killing some cattle, but the vast majority recover. But, one result of the bird flu, california’s milk production is down 9 percent. That is an absolutely staggering number.
It’s almost like the inhumane, cramped, living conditions we permit a lot of our agriculture industry to have for animals is biting us in the ass.
And before dipshits come in about how that doesn’t apply to cage free chickens, etc. Of course that shit still affects overall product prices. One of the businesses along the line between the farm with the chickens and your grocery store aisle is going to raise the price anyway to gouge a little more profit from the system when they have the chance.
As a dairy farmer, i understand i may be somewhat biased on the evaluation of living conditions for my animals. I try very hard to make sure my animals are well cared for and have the space they need. And there is still room for improvement. Compared to a few decades ago, we are doing pretty good in my opinion.
But in the case of poultry, i do have opinions that do align a little bit more with you. While poultry overcrowding and handling practices did play a role in exacerbating the bird flu problem, they were not the sole main driving factor that let this disease go rampant. It helped, but it isnt the whole story.
To see why, all we have to do is look at export markets and their rules.
There is a vaccine for bird flu for poultry. We’ve had it for years. Poultry farmers do not use it. Because using it limits the countries you can export your product to.
Long story short, it is more economically feasible for producers to nuke entire flocks and start from scratch, (chickens reproduce very quickly), than it is to spend money on vaccination and limit your export market.
This creates constant hot zones that spread to wild populations and migratory birds. This is why seals are dropping dead like flies on the Argentinean coast. I believe the mortality rate is over 90 percent. There are no large scale poultry farms in the falkland islands. Bird flu is so ingrained in migratory bird populations at this point that its crossing over and killing random species that are not confined or used for humans.
Cats that eat infected birds develope encephalopathy and have a massive mortality rate. Its how we first tied bird flu to cattle in the first place. Dairy farm cats are what turned us on to the bird vector. There is also no current vaccine for cattle, or many other animals. Yet.
There will continue to be huge issues with bird flu until we develope good policies to vaccinate all animals in cafo sites and let common sense and science take the lead instead of bad policy and greed. And it may be too late to be honest.
After being on the front lines from day one of the bird flu epidemic in cattle, when we didnt even know what was happening, and seeing how badly the government and officials have handled it, it is an absolute miracle that covid was only as bad as it was.
The bird flu is likely affecting all of North America. Mine is commentary on Canada vs States rxns on the price of eggs.
I can’t imagine the focus on eggs for most of 2024 didn’t impact the price hike as well.
This is from a Zehrs, it’s Loblaws so not even remotely the cheapest place in town
With exchange, that pack of 30 organic eggs is ~11.90 USD. I usually just buy no name.
That’s expensive. I live out in the boonies where things cost more and my local store is $4 a dozen.
Those are fancyish eggs too. I paid $3.69 yesterday for store brand and they are often on sale for a little less. Our avian flu situation isn’t as bad yet though so it can still go up.
Yeah, these are specialty farm eggs, cage free, and brown. They’re also stacked in with the organic eggs. They probably command a markup without the price increases from bird flu. This is also probably some trendier grocery store OP is shopping at.
Our “fancy” grocery store has a dozen cage free large brown eggs for $5.49, so either this is a local issue in Denver or OP is posting some BS engagement bait.
That’s still an obscene price.
Voila is a delivery service, not sure why they decided to pick that out of literally everywhere in the country
They are $3.60 a dozen at Costco ($2.50 USD) last time I was there
Meanwhile my local Costco in AZ had no eggs at all 4 days ago.
Same in CO. They’re all out. That’s why egg prices are so stupid in Colorado.
What the heck happened to American eggs?
Even those Canadian eggs are relatively expensive to what I’m used to:
These are Euro prices.
Price at Tesco in the UK:
Even cheaper at Aldi:
What the heck happened to American eggs?
Denver is a special place, further its one city in a VERY large country and they don’t cost anywhere NEAR that much in most places. I’m in the middle of Wyoming and 18 large eggs (Dozen and a half) cost $6.72. I can buy 18 Brown Cage Free Organic eggs (just like OPs) for 8.87.
Your monopoly money buys more eggs than our real money?! Now I’ve seen everything!
deleted by creator
That’s still high, assuming cad, but much better. It’s around 6-8 ‘freedom’ dollars down here is southern America.
Impossible, Orange Julius was fixing the prices. What is the hold up?
He should sign another eggsecutive order
It’s Hussein Obama eating all them eggs! Thanks Obama!
Must be the DEI chickens.
Couldn’t have been, because that pompous dick Gaston eats the entire daily supply every morning to get jacked.
This makes me miss Orange Julius stores. Dairy Queen bought them out and now you’re lucky if DQ offers two flavors of Julius. And never peach, which was my favorite.
Also, fuck Trump. But that pretty much goes without saying.
Conservatives: Thanks Obama!
I can’t believe buying chickens actually saved me money, I just did it because I wanted chickens. I expected to pay more per egg (considering food and litter) because I don’t have economies of scale like the large producers do.
Bird flu sucks. Too bad the CDC can’t warn us about it though.
Phew, are you OK over there? For comparison in Germany it’s 2€ for 10 eggs, or 2,40€ for cage free. Eggs from the farmer start at 3,50€. In my area anyway.
They’re fighting the bird flu
Jein. It’s not as bad as OP makes it sound, and I’ve never seen a 10 let alone 12 organic eggs in Germany for 2€ but I also live in the city.
What you’re looking at here look like organic (bio) eggs, likely from a very expensive bio-store. Typical prices for eggs in Denver for organic eggs are 7.49 for 12 or .62¢ a egg at a store comparable to REWE. - Non-bio eggs get down to 4.99 on sale for 12 or .41 an egg.
Here at my REWE in Köln organic eggs are 3.39 for 10 or .33 an egg. So they are actually only twice the price for organic which is due to the killing of millions of chickens because of bird flue.
Is the bottom image with or without sales tax? Usually in the US prices are shown without it (as it depends on state, county, etc), whereas in most EU countries and I’m assuming Germany as well, prices for consumer goods are generally shown with taxes included
Everywhere I’ve lived, most groceries aren’t taxed, so what’s showing would be the final price.
Things that might be taxed are things like pre-prepared food or soda.
It’s without but food products in Colorado are taxed at a very low rate around 3 percent unless you’re on SNAP (“food stamps”), in which case food isn’t taxed.
So, worst case scenario (in Colorado, specifically) on a $4.99 egg purchase you may also see an additional 15 cents in tax.
Some states do not differentiate in the tax percentage applied to foods versus other products so in those places it’s not out of the question to see sales tax of 10 percent or so…
Wow. I saw people mentioning this on another thread and I posted that we can get 15 Medium Free Range Eggs in the UK for $3.37. Could find cheaper than that if I shopped around.
It is a banana! How much could it cost? $10?
It’s a dozen eggs, Michael. How much could it cost, $10?
Meanwhile in sweden its $3.50 for 12 pieces cage free and if you get cheap ones its $4 for 24 pieces.
Similar in Lithuania but we buy them in packs of 10.
What a sensible, decimal system!
Duodecimal is objectively better and that’s why commoners used it.
That’s because the commoners had 6 fingers in each hand
Well they could count 6 knuckles on each hand, with one hand representing the dozens place.
It’s more due to the fact that 12 can be divided evenly by 2,3,4,6, and 12. If a single person couldn’t afford a dozen they could split it among other people.
Division is the key but affordability wasn’t why. Everything agricultural was counted by the dozen, gross, and great gross.
$10.00CAD OR $6.90USD for 30 here in Canada.