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The Americans chose, or allowed their opponents to choose him. The voters own all of the next 4 years.
But yes, when was the last time inaction in protest worked?
What happens in 4 years? I’d be surprised if there was another election for a while.
They’ll have an election. You just won’t be allowed to vote against the glorious leader.
Or a marginally less cynical take, targeted voter surpression will mean that only republicans get elected president. So in four years they’ll get president Vance.
It’ll be sooner, I think.
How does that work in US politics? Can Congress raise a vote of no confidence?
Their process is more complicated.
For congress to remove Trump first the house needs to vote with a 50% majority to impeach Trump for “Treason, bribery, or high crimes” the house does get to decide if something Trump has done meets that bar.
Then the senate needs to decide to have a trial not a criminal or civil trial, but a trial to decide of Trump should be removed from office.
Then the house gets to present its case proving the crime, then if the senate votes with a 2/3rds majority to convict, Trump would e removed from office, and barred from any future government office. If convicted, VP Vance would become the president until the next election.
Impeachment is a remedial process, not a punitive one, it can only remove Trump from office it can’t punish him for his crimes, though he may face a separate criminal trial for the same crime at that point.
So, remember how a few months ago, the South Korean president and defense minister declared martial law and tried to openly stage a military coup?
I expect that to happen here. Congress won’t do shit about it - they’ll lean into it, because the “opposition” has all the backbone of a sea cucumber, and the GOP congresspersons have either drunk the kool-aid, or (like the “opposition”) have been scared into compliance.
And I expect the insurrection act to be invoked (which lets the president deputize more or less whoever he wants… so, proud boys et al will be the new brownshirts). And I don’t think many people understand how much of a real threat those wingnut militias are. They’ve got a LOT more guerrilla/resistance-cell-type organization than most realize. It’s one of the reasons I’m so deeply concerned about this whole shitshow. And one of his first act was to pardon a few thousand people, a lot of whom were involved in or sympathetic to those militias, so he’s got died-hard followers in that crowd. Like, “I won’t ever question your orders” die hard. He’s made himself into a very literal savior figure for them.
Place your bets folks! Does he croak in office and We get another asshole at the helm? So many possibilities
$10,000->choking on peanut
$1000->exactly as the Simpson predicted
$200->Boeing misshalf…don’t worry they’ll fix it
$1->accidental window fall
$0.5->not accidental window fall…10 stories
Discounting your allies here in the states will only help Trump. Good job, Trump and Vance approved of this message
I’m serious. They love you for this. They love that you said this. Dismissing the dissenters here in the States is a great fascist tactic.
Thanks. Kudos to you!!
As someone in the US living in a very progressive district, the general vibe of Democratic voters is what we should have gotten 8 years ago and even now I still get people saying we need to be more moderate and reach across the aisle.
There is nothing for us across the aisle. Without a fundamental rework of the minority party we just end up back here 10-15 years later because fundamental issues aren’t solved and miserable people are easier to sell racist exploitative policies too. If you are comfortable and secure you’re more likely to support helping others without worrying about it putting you on the streets.
I held my nose and voted blue no matter who, but there needs to be some consequences to supporting genocide. If Democratic leaders are going to hide behind bureaucracy then we need to go around it or we’re on the hook for whatever human rights abuses are done in our name.
Oh, absolutely. I’m not defending America. Nobody should trust us at this point. Our country is currently completely broken.
But there are at least two major ways to see countries like ours that have evil leadership… You can blame the government and those that empower it, or you can blanket-blame all of the people that live there.
If you blame the people, and it catches on, then you end up dehumanizing an entire segment of humanity. It’s not unlike being racist, ableist, or sexist. You’re stripping individuality from an entire group, and applying preconceived principals to them as a whole.
America is a divided nation. Trump isn’t just harming our allies, and helping our enemies… He’s also first and foremost viciously attacking Americans and doing his best to strip away every freedom we have that might challenge him.
This is a man that’s out to destroy America, and to disrupt the strength of those who oppose Putin. The best way for him to achieve his goal is to get all of us at one another’s throats. The more petty, the better - that’s Trump’s bread and butter. A divided world is easier to conquer, just like our nation.
We can either stand together against tyranny as humans, or fall divided on our swords of ignorance and nationalism.
Jesus Murphy, it isn’t dehumanizing it’s telling you you aren’t working hard enough or smart enough to fucking fix it, because no one else can.
What do you think “America” is? Its a societal mindset and ideology which are held by various subsets of the population. Ultimately, we can’t rely on half the country to do shit if we want to enact change, they need to be dragged kicking and screaming into a free society with a strong middle class. Its not enough that we can convince them to join because egg prices are high, or their pet government project was cut because we’re just going to end up back in the same place in 10-15 years when they forget. We need durable change enacted by principled leaders who we need to raise into seats of power and continue to hold accountable.
It also isn’t one man. Its a large swath of people afraid of perceived change, along with opportunists who want to be the future king’s puppeteers that are happily playing into old prejudicial narratives to drum up support. He’s not some mastermind who can do this without think tanks to come up with concrete plans like project 2025. Remember, he got 77 million votes. That’s not a radical subset, and we can’t plead ignorance or assumed he would have fallen into line once elected, we already had 4 years of this dictator wannabe.
I don’t think we should be petty, I think we should be very specific in our critiques and what is and is not acceptable in a free society. You’re allowed to be an asshole, you’re allowed to not like mexican food, you can even support stronger border controls, be against federally backed student loans or think USAID should be defunded or be opposed to abortion. You can’t be willing to throw out the entire system of government in order to achieve those goals and have me willing to consider you a fellow American. The basic rules of engagement need to be something that is held sacred and it needs to be built around the empowerment of individuals with strong controls against undue influence.
Someone with a billion dollars should not have a louder voice than a collection of tens of millions of US citizens with a combined net worth of 1 billion dollars. Neither party’s leadership believes our country should run on these fundamentals, so who else is going to fight for this?
We do not stand together, a subset of the population is standing in support for a free and equal society, while others are just trying to get one up on their neighbors and yet more are just standing around willfully ignorant to this conflict with their fingers in their ears afraid of being uncomfortable until they are eventually forced to care.
Here’s how it works:
You live in a country that has declared war on a much smaller neighbour. (Sure, for now it’s just economic, but cf. Warren Buffet.)
The victims of the aggression from your region are under no obligation to investigate your personal innocence in the matter.
If you are an ally, the responsibility to demonstrate that is entirely yours. Also, the bar is naturally high, as your fascist government has repeatedly threatened our sovereignty and territory.
So suck it up and read up on Denmark or France in 1940.
If you see every American as your enemy, then you will eventually create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I’m not willing to be manipulated by an orange idiot, but hey, you do you.
We get it. Bring on the pain. Seriously. Fuck Trump.
If we’re truly a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” then we did it to ourselves.
If we’re not that then we should “dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another”
It’s on ourselves. It sucks but here we are….
We’ve been railroaded if not cheated every step of the way. It’s not our fault, though it is our responsibility
Hail yourself!
They censored mainstream media. They boost and censor mainstream social media. They lie constantly, so fast we can’t keep up. The Democrats were neo liberals, they seemed like they were going to shift more progressive but now they’re becoming neoconservatives
Lobbyists write the laws they may tweak before voting on. The Democrats let the conservatives stack the court, while refusing to do the same
The electorial college, voter suppression, and “it’s whatever we give you or the orange guy who wants to destroy the country” has stolen our power
The system is rigged. Almost none of us want this, not just what’s happening now, but the destruction of the middle class, the impossibility of housing, the enshitification of everything, healthcare that cripples you to use (if insurance doesn’t just delay until you’re also physically crippled)
No, this isn’t us. We’re not in control, our democracy has been hacked by a small number of very powerful people. We have to fix it - but this isn’t our fault
Apologies, I thought you were referencing a commonly said phrase on a podcast I listen to. The line is “it’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility” in regards to mental illness. I wasn’t being facetious.
Ah, fair enough. Out of curiosity, what’s the context?
Last Podcast on the Left. They’re a comedy podcast and cover “horrors real and imagined”- true crime, some morbid history, and paranormal stuff. One of the hosts has struggles with bipolar disorder, and “not your fault, but it is your responsibility” comes up often when they speak about people who have done horrific things and blame their mental illnesses.
If you’re interested at all, they did a recent series on the tragedy of the Batavia which speaks to the horrors of untethered capitalism that I think might be up your alley.
Edit: forgot to mention, Hail Yourself used to be how they would sign off the podcast until one of the hosts left last year.
That bit makes more sense when you factor in Scotus making corporations people.
Komrad! Is that you?
Thank you for suggesting the dismantling of the US. This us a great suggestion!!1!
Good thing Trump has 100% support in the US, and he didn’t fall short of 50% of the vote!
Baiting people here doesn’t do anything. Go fix it FFS.
If Trump backs down on the tariffs, Canada should only back down halfway. Make it clear there are permanent consequences every time he fucks with the world economy on a whim.
It’s not an optional strategy even though it feels like it should be. With this kind of animal you either go tit for tat or scorched earth.
It’s not Trump you’re negotiating with with that kind of strategy. It’s the GOP.
I meant to write optimal, sorry.
The problem with trying to sway the GOP is that right now each one of them is about as charming as a poultry farm, and you need some charisma to build an oppositional faction within the party. If you were talking about a Schwarzenegger-led “normalcy” caucus we’d be cooking, but the current rogue’s gallery is as dull as dishwater and half as palatable.
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No, you need to take to the streets and stop this madness RIGHT NOW
You are watching your house on fire and saying “well we done fucked up, maybe we’ll sleep it off and come next week with some water”
You will not have a country to save in 2 yers and hoping on the midterms is like curing cancer with thoughts and prayers
You are not our ally anymore if you tolerate this as your government
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We get it. By all means, Trudeau, bring the pain. Show America there are consequences. If you don’t, this will happen again. And again. And again.
Pretty much, yeah. Republicans are malignant tumors.
It’s not about republicans, democrats, left or right anymore. It’s all Americans. As a Canadian I don’t see the difference anymore, your entire country is now an enemy
I can get that from a feelings perspective or a reductionist view for simplicity in certain applications, but applying even a little intellect it’s obvious that while statistically, yes America is mostly full of undereducated hateful bigots, it’s of course plenty easy to find large pockets of perfectly reasonable people. Be careful with oversimplifying the situation.
As another Canadian, I’d like to say that this dude does not speak for us all. We understand the cancer you’re dealing with. Our tumors are smaller and less likely to metastasize but they are still there festering trying to eat their way to the surface.
We’re a different kind of Canadian, i mean i hate the Canadian government too but I’m of native blood so nothing you guys say is gonna make me see Americans as a whole favourably, you may say “don’t generalize” but we all do it, including you
Because of the way our brains are constructed we do all generalize. But part of the job of being a citizen of the world with other humans around you is to control that instinct.
I work with some people who are legitimately trying to cure cancer out of sheer love for all of their fellow humans who just happen to have been born in the United States.
I consider it my obligation to see their goodness regardless of where they live.
Yes, be more direct and be human. Explaining thing like “ETMI5” will get your point/message across and be understood. Like others have said, if we, the US, back down, Canada should only roll back half way after a certain period of time. We have to learn our lesson. The president is being an uneducated child and he represents us, we should be treated like a child. We all learned a lesson before and we lived and learn. Time to do so again. Turn up the heat!
Not really “our government”. Trump has chosen to do this.
It is your government. This is your head of state and the head of the US government weilding power that once belonged to Congress but ceeded to the executive branch about a hundred years ago. This man represents you.
I understand it is uncomfortable. That you wish it wasn’t so I get it… But Do not diminish this fact because these are the stakes. He is your, I repeat Your, Government. Do not wash your hands of him acting as he does because in your silence and denial he still acts on your behalf and you need so much more than silence and denial.
The government didn’t wake up one day and decide to do this, Trump did. Absent Trump this wouldn’t be happening because nobody else is this stupid.
Your government design and allocation of power made it so one person could do this. Trump is simply the first to flaunt the social contract this brazenly. There was no lock on the door, only a verbal agreement not to go through it.
Once this is done, once Trump is deposed the fight will not be over. Measures must be enacted to make the systems safe so that another Trump can’t do this ever again. The system is just as liable for this happening as the man himself. We need to stop thinking in terms of singular bad actors and recognize faults in system design because otherwise it is just a waiting game for the next bad actor to do just as bad or worse.
Stop trying to be so edgy, asshole. I didn’t ask for this, and basically nobody else on Lemmy did either simply based on user demographics. Even younger-middle-aged people have only been eligible to vote in a handful of presidential elections, and we’re fighting decades of gerrymandering, bribery, greed, and billions of dollars in corporate money propaganda campaigns. Basically all there is for me to do is vote at the polls and put my money where my mouth is, which I’m already doing. I’m not going to go out and riot and be sent to jail so I can lose everything because Walmart thought Trump would yield another half a percent to their stock prices.
When something comes up that I can do, I’ll join in, but I’m not going to have randos berate me for BS I never asked for.
Well quite frankly nobody asked for this but we have it and we’re not the first fucking generation to have to put aome skin on the line to make the place we live habitable after everything goes to shit. If you think all you can do is wait to cash your ballot or wave a sign then I am speaking to you. It’s time to organize better and move because it is only going to get worse from here.
You are free to ignore this. You are free to go quietly. However keep your destructive apathy to yourself. More of us have to look apathy and personal disenfranchisement from the system in the eye and see it as the weight that stops any of this from ever getting better.
Yeah, because voting and refusing to support republican business is “apathy”. Good luck convincing anyone other than your own echo chamber to do more than that.
No APATHY is calling a call for further action moreso than the feather touch of resistance “being an edgelord” it’s an attempt to shame someone into less vocal rhetoric so that people take what is happening less seriously. It’s an attempt to shame people out of mobilizing.
You want to stay out of the frontline? Fine. Move to the rear and stay out of the way of the people who are showing up People who are taking classes in collective action or medic training, showing up to protests and getting arrested or helping their neighbours with minor acts of institutional sabotage. You don’t get to shame on people taking this more seriously than you are.
We are so far beyond caring about toothless boycotts.
Sir, we are posting on a Lemmy thread. There is no front line here.
Get used to there being a front line because as this gets worse these mediums of communication are going to get more action driven. You think it’s overkill now but the more you get used to hearing other people calling for ACTUAL action the more you will see what it actually looks like and will know what you could be participating in. This is likely lost on you because at this point you are simply reacting to being checked.
Yesterday the US failed diplomatically at a fundemental level with allies who are key to policing the international waters and air between the USA and Russia. Don’t be fooled. It is not just a trade war, it is a softening of US defenses as well. Priorities will be changing and depending they could change faster than you expect. If this follows the patterns of other historical conflicts we will all only learn how critical our time was at this stage in hindsight.
Voting and selective consumption…. That’s the barest definition of citizenhood. Resisting an aristocracy is always going to require more than that. Not everyone can be a dedicated activist but c’mon, some perspective from history here.
I’m seeing a lot of criticism and no actionable advice whatsoever, from anybody who has responded to me. Maybe your contribution should be to educate people instead of telling them their actions aren’t good enough? Either do that or shut up, because you’re not contributing to the conversation.
You got advice to study some history from me and didn’t say -ok where to start- you just disengage from the criticism. Maybe it’s valid? Start there?
Plan, then act. Read Wikipedia about tactics and strategies for democratic development. Read about the ties between conservatism and the aristocracy for all history and realize that the only classes that matter are the workers who sell labour for money and owners who make money through control and exploitation of resources and workers.
You want to be an ally it sounds like. Well, advice to any ally of colonial resistance: decolonize your mind. Read Fanon or Zinn, e.g., or go watch old episodes of Beau of the Fifth Column or something, it depends on who you are – and you aren’t sharing that.
Canadians have been colonized by England AND the USA. The geopolitics are cultural as well. Maybe we’re justifiably touchy about people from an authoritarian colonizer complaining that we don’t trust them as much when there’s common talk in the streets about ukraining us?
There will never be anything that convinces someone like you to take action.
Shit, I did more than a third of Americans that didn’t even vote. Suck it. Better yet, I didn’t vote to actively destroy my nation like the Republicans did.
Good luck convincing any of those two-thirds to join your side by pedaling life-destroying rhetoric.
Please do whatever you want. I’ll continue to work my own methods.
If rioting is your only tactic, you’ve lost in advance.
Sick of all the complaining. Why don’t you share some actionable advice instead venting about how I’m not doing enough to make yourself feel superior?
- Figure out what your strengths are
- Find others who are opposing fascism and work with them
This is a conversation, bud. You came in here whining about trying to dodge responsibility instead of saying “I am just a retail worker who plays DnD when I am not looking after my sister” whereupon you get help. Plus you got advice and ignored it.
Trump is your government.
For now he is, yes. This country if fucking dogshit…
He is again. Something actively has to change.
Nope you guys wanted this by either not voting or by voting trump.
Imo its more nuanced than that.
If there was only the popular vote, which makes more sense than electorate fuckery, we would have avoided round 1 in 2016.
The system of political choice is really broken in the US, that was just one example. None of us chose the political system we use, we are presented with limited and similar options for representation every two years in a first past the post vote.
I agree that we failed to prevent this, but the system is kind of rigged
I don’t care about the nuance, that’s your idiot country’s problem. I care about the jackass you guys put in charge
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Oh wow, what a fucked up comparison.
It really isn’t. The Jewish people did not willingly help Hitler. To lump them together with him is wrong.
That’s exactly what’s going on here when you assert that every American wanted what’s going on right now.
Trump is attacking half of America on a daily basis right now, and he’s dismantling centuries of progress. To see every American as complicit is dehumanizing and, quite frankly, very nationalistic. Nationalism was a very strong compenent of Hitler’s success.
If 10% more voters showed up it being somewhat rigged wouldn’t have mattered.
Even though the media is owned by billionaires, if people talked about this shit and resisted aristocratic bullshit, it wouldn’t have mattered, the monarchists would have been held back. Too late now, resistance is the last hope for democracy.
Democrat or non trump voters aren’t an ethnic group
They are a group that opposes Trump, just as the Jewish people opposed Hitler.
What possible benefit are you creating by lumping people together like this? What goal are you achieving by applying the sins of America’s corrupt leadership to anyone and everyone who was simply born on American soil, and currently resides here?
I can tell you that as an American, Trump wants this. You can take that, or you can leave it, but either way I assure you he supports your message here. If he gets his internal enemies fighting his external enemies, then that’s a win-win situation for him.
Is there a website that hosts the video and actually works?
It’s got too high of a tariff to be served to you.
We know.
it’s democracy, it’s written in the name. i remember a college professor constantly on about the need for a constitutional convention, wrote a book or some shit.
I was like, you know the crazies will consume any such convention, right?
challenging him kinda fucked it up but i was not wrong.