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Finland has declined a U.S. request to export eggs amid a severe American shortage caused by bird flu.
The Finnish Poultry Association cited the lack of prior trade agreements and complex regulatory hurdles. Even if exports were possible, Finland’s limited egg production would not significantly impact the U.S. crisis.
Other European nations, including Sweden and Denmark, also face difficulties meeting U.S. demand, while Europe grapples with its own egg shortages.
The U.S. has turned to countries like Turkey and the Netherlands for supplies as bird flu remains a global issue.
Nobody should send us eggs. Nobody should give us anything, given the government we have now
Orangeboi wants transactional, so give him transactional. Hold the US state department over the barrel as long as you can. Hold our feet to the fire. Make the negotiations as torturous and hostile as possible. Squeeze us until you see blood. Get absolutely everything you can out of any “deal” you make with us - it’s the “art of the deal”, after all.
There are huge swaths of Americans and political leadership that now really need to find out, because they’ve been fucking around and ruining things for far too long.
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You give us 50% of your natural resources and we’ll give you eggs (no guarantees on getting the eggs though).
Our surveyors and geologist told us it will take 5 years to get any real production going so we’ll send the eggs in 5 years.
Other countries should trade for our national parks - like a month’s worth of eggs for Yellowstone - and then they can protect them from trump selling parks off to oligarchs and corporations. It would be a win/win situation: Americans (and the entire world) retain access to the parks, and foreign nations can collect the money those parks bring.
And make sure you say thank you
The US is going to be begging for more than just eggs in a few months. California is one of their biggest agricultural states and they have no water; Trump had them empty their reservoirs in an idiotic attempt to fight the wildfires earlier this year. Plus, the whole country is dependent on Canadian potash to fertilize their crops.
Dumping all that water from the reservoirs did nothing but sabotaging California’s ability to make it through the dry season. Not a drop of it went to fire-fighting. Trump is a wrecker and a liar.
Is there anybody who’s done the analysis on his bad it will be? California’s online tracker shows right now that nearly every major reservoir in the state is above the historical average level for March 15th. The system as a whole is at over 78% of capacity. The news stories that I found put the releases at of 2.2 billion gallons, which is not much. (The lake near me contains about 133 billion gallons.) They were from Lake Kaweah and Lake Success, both reservoirs which primarily serve flood-control functions.
Unfortunately, things are that far gone Trump/USians in general will probably see an even slightly fair deal as them getting done over. Much the same as Brits and Brexit.
This is what happens when you burn all your bridges. I’m American myself and to be brutally honest, I hope most of the free world will continue to refuse requests to export to us.
The US is no longer a member of the ‘free world’. Traveling to US now is just as dangerous as travelling to China.
At least in China the likelihood of you getting gunned down by either police or some drunkard is significantly lower than US. As for other problem like scam or pickpocket or government overreach for some opinion, you won’t ever need to worry if you follow some common sense and common travelling tips. Authoritarian government like CCP treat traveller better than local.
Now I might be naive or plain wrong, but I tell you completely honestly, that I would always have been more concerned for my safety travelling to the US than China.
Naturally, one would steer away from discussing politics or behaving in ‘concerning’ ways in China - for example filming government buildings.
But, I have never felt I’d be in any danger doing average tourist stuff in China. I’ve been there twice, to more rural parts as it happens, and felt safe: People friendly, no edge.
US on the other hand… I admit I’ve barely visited to transfer flights, but the idea of being let loose in the US is considerably more challenging for me. Knowing that everyone is potentially armed, that trigger happy police are everywhere, there are high racial tensions, drugged up homeless etc.
This was truly my impression even before Trump was ever a household name.
Is it surprising to Americans that a Brit would genuinely feel that way around about the two countries? I don’t know. It doesn’t seem controversial to me, but then I read Americans talking about China as though it’s some scary place for them.
yeah, it sucks, I wish we had this cheap protein, but, like… americans need to suffer. they need to suffer, and they need to know it’s their leader’s fault.
The suffering is almost a guarantee, but I’m not holding my breath on anyone that doesn’t already do so holding Trump accountable for shit.
unlike the more severe accountable shit like getting people to murder their own children with pox for the cause, the eggs thing is something that allows people to reverse course, and in fact makes it easier. this might genuinely be the largest threat to the regime.
They need to know it’s their fault. They elected him, either through action or inaction.
Then they need to do some introspection to figure out what the fuck is wrong with them.
But they won’t because America doesn’t do that. 9/11, for example, had nothing to do with anything America had done.
what happened on the ninth of november?
Explain to me like I’m 5… Can we not just stop butchering chickens for few days and get them to lay eggs to “catch” up? Or are those chickens too far removed from normal chickens that they no longer lay eggs?
Key thing to bear in mind is that we think of “chicken” as a single animal, but industrial farming has selectively bred chickens into very different camps.
Meat chickens grow very big very quickly, and are killed for meat long before adulthood. You’d need to pause production a long enough time for them to grow into adulthood, then they would eventually lay eggs, but at a much slower rate than egg chickens, and requiring a lot more food (because of how big they are)
plus, the eggs they lay would not be egg chickens. they would be eating chickens. and all of them are dying en masse to the flu.
and chickens lay whether the eggs are fertilized or not. kinda like how humans menstruate, but, like, much bigger, and we eat it even if we don’t think they’re cute.
They’re being killed because of the avian flu pandemic that’s currently going on. Dead poultry generally doesn’t lay eggs.
You still have legumes available.
Consider the 🥜
of course lemmy suggests beans.
The vegan suggests beans.
clever gambit. how long were you vegan to pull this off with deniability? will you go back to meat, or stay under cover?
it’s not the worst reason to go vegan. I’ve done much more inconvenient and unethical things for a bit.
Sure. But the American empire will not just slowly die. As their people lose their “toys” that distract them they will need someone to blame it on that isn’t the US government.
This will at some point be other western nations along with their current scapegoat of immigrants and Palestine supporters. The American empire will use its military power long before it just lets it’s empire die. Its playing cards to see which nations it can blame first and which western allies will decide to align with them rather than face their military.
I agree with all the anti American boycotts. I do. But I don’t think people realize exactly where that is heading on a world stage.
I suspect more people than you think realise this is a potential outcome.
Assuming it boils over before there is another election (also assuming that’s a thing that happens), military action is 100% a playable card.
It’s a toddler with a nuclear tantrum button.
It’s honestly not that much different in type then most nuclear powered nations.
The difference is “absolute last resort, and only maybe then” vs “they won’t let me annex Greenland and are being mean to me”
Hyperbolic ofc, but illustrative.
What are the reasonable good alternatives though?
Maybe, I’m mostly just worried that the western world is fueling nationalism with these tariff wars. The “good alternative” is understanding that the tariff’s are not a war between nations but a war on the working class. These tariff’s are paid by the working class. The good alternative is understanding that the working class of each of these countries SHOULD be fighting against the ruling classes of each nation. The ruling classes between nations being in “conflict” is a charade. No one in the ruling class cares of the consequences but only sees them as an opportunity to fuel nationalism and reactionary sentiment.
So, while I will agree with anti America and anti imperialism. I just think that the “buy European” or “by Canadian” are missing the forest for the trees. The ruling class of Canada or Europe are not fighting a war against America. They are worsening the material conditions of their working class (in response to the Americans doing so) in order to maintain the profits of the ruling class of their nations.
It is absolutely ignorant to think that Canada or Europe or any other capitalist nation is fighting for the interest of their working class. They are fighting for the interest of their ruling class and will use nationalism to justify the worsening conditions we all face.
TLDR: This is not a war between nations but a war between class. (I know Marxist cliche but read it if you want more than that.)
In Canada, a somewhat Trump inspired populist right leaning party had 100% of winning the next election.prediction markets had it at 93%.
since the beginning of Trumps tarring stacks, the center left party had surged in popularity to a degree not even thought possible. If the election was today, they would win.
Trump is giving people somebody to rally against. And the “us” vs “them” is the the world vs the US.
A worldwide revolution in which everyone unites against the “ruling class” isn’t a viable alternative in and of itself, that’s like saying “world peace”.
An example of an alternative would be something which could fill in the blank in this sentence and make sense.
“Don’t boycott products/companies, that isn’t how you achieve your goal, what you should be doing is <BLANK>”
This is not a war between nations but a war between class
The issue i have with this isn’t that it’s a marxist cliche (i’ll take your word on that, I’ve no idea) it’s that it presents a false dichotomy in which a class war and a national war can’t both be occurring at the same time.
Chickens are cheap to house and feed, more people should become familiar with where their food comes from and get a handful.
The feed costs like 100 times more than you would spend on equivalent eggs.
And also they don’t lay eggs in winter. So you’re gonna be slaughtering them too.
I used to raise chickens for eggs. They lay eggs in winter if you have a proper coop. In the summer we had a coop that could be moved. It had wheels and we would move it to a different spot every few days allowing the chicken to forage bugs. It really helped out the yard as well. I would still be doing that if I lived in a place where I could.
Feed costs like $10/50lb bag and lasts about a month, in that time I can get between 150-200 eggs, 150 eggs / 12 = 12.5 dozen, 12 dozen eggs at * $3 = $36 worth of eggs; not 100 times more at all.
That’s before you even start eating them. They can lay during the winter but they do stop laying when they’re about 5 so after that it might be dumplings time.
Think about it, if it weren’t economical to raise chickens and sell the eggs nobody would do it. It’s a business because it can make money. They’re one of the easiest, cheapest animals to raise and care for and a great source of protein.
Not even close.
I have a neighbor that raises them for her eggs. Every time they wander onto my property I turn the hose on them
Any particular reason?
I bet you could get some free eggs out of the deal if you were a bit more neighborly.
Because she doesn’t keep them in her own chicken run for one. She has some other personal issues that also put me off.
“Okay, but you have to become the 20th province of Finland.”
I accept Finland’s terms. Now that I’m a Finnish citizen, I would like to move to the country proper.
First you have to learn proper Finnish swearing. For that I suggest “My summer car” on steam. As proof you’ll have to get all achievements.
I accept!
Peska perkele vittu.
I’ll book my flight.
Perkele, kun vituttaa tämä helvetin krapula, mutta jumalauta, pitäähän sitä silti saatanan kauniina kesäpäivänä mennä pihalle perseilemään ja hitto soikoon, nauttia elämästä—vaikka päässä jyskyttää kuin paholaisen pikkuserkku vetäisi siellä Lordia rumpusoololla.
I suggest “My summer car” on steam. As proof you’ll have to get all achievements.
Vain Windowssa perkele
now you can go to the doctor without losing your home!
I for one welcome our Finnish overlords.
…And just like that, Finland now shares a border with Russia on both sides of the globe. I’m sure the Finns are great friends with Russia, so Russia has no reason to worry that the vast military arsenal of the former USA is theirs now.
Also, does this mean the president of the former USA will be punished for his crimes? I’m not familiar with Finnish law, but it has to be better than ours.
Also, does this mean the president of the former USA will be punished for his crimes? I’m not familiar with Finnish law, but it has to be better than ours.
This was my hope, too!
The US doesn’t technically have a land border with russia, but they’re only seperated by the narrow Bering strait
Yeah, that’s why I just said a border. True, it’s 51 miles of water, but it not like that’s a hard thing to cross over.
Sounds like a great deal… TORILLE!!!
I’m sure the Finns aren’t exactly keen to take a price hike on eggs to meet a hostile country’s needs.
The Finnish Poultry Association cited the lack of prior trade agreements and complex regulatory hurdles.
Such an understated way of saying: you started a trade war, now go fsck yourself!
The US has a trade agreement with Mexico and Canada and it still means shit to him
If only there were regulations that kept these diseases at bay. Certainly our corporate farms will always spend the money and effort to prevent things themselves though.
Not sure if it’s true but I read some place that because America has fewer and much larger farms it affects more birds on a farm. In Canada we have smaller (compared to us) size farms and more of them. Meaning a farm losing all its birds does not hit us as hard.
Distributed Birding. 🐔
Federated Chickens
Probably less profitable. America is all about profit.
Maybe you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Lol that sounds like it’s reasonable and profitable in the long term, get it the fuck out of here.
We need to maximize this next quarter because, well, we’re not really sure but it better be maximized. We understand that we could have a stress free, guaranteed profitable business five years from now but we really really need to just squeeze this fucker for everything it’s worth right now.
Money. Now.
Less money, but now. Less logic now. Everything now, like right fucking now. We still don’t understand why we’re doing this, it could very well be categorized as a mental illness, the way that we absolutely on purpose cause a shit load of pain and suffering on everything that crosses our path in the name of just a little bit of more money now, but it’s okay because for some reason (the reason is more money right now) it’s been glorified in our media and it’s way more acceptable than showing just the smallest amount of empathy so we’re just going to keep doing it.
Any time that someone raises the point that there’s something fundamentally wrong with capitalism, were just going to tell them that they aren’t shaking hands firmly enough or making good enough eye contact during interviews with their own dad, because again, we are not allowed to do empathy. I don’t think we were ever taught that in business school, but it’s implied so in order to be successful we just need to keep absolutely demolishing everything else around us that could make us human in order to maintain profit and image.
Birdflu comes and goes, but lack of regulation/control is a BIG contributing factor here.
How about we introduce export tariffs on eggs instead.
Over 9000% tariffs
Egg prices aren’t high solely because of bird flu. They’re high because of regional monopolies and a price fixing cartel. The largest egg producers are seeing record profits.
I hope it’s clear that I’m not saying bird flu doesn’t exist or affect prices. I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist. But if I had to guess, I’d say it’s 10% bird flu and 90% companies raising prices in unison because they can blame bird flu. If it were just bird flu, the companies would be losing money.
NB: it feels very weird to call them “egg producers” because hens are the actual egg producers. Egg distributors, maybe? In any case, the distributors are doing fine and their only competition in most regions are small, organic farms whose eggs were already $7 a dozen. It’s just the low end of the market that’s gone crazy.
it feels very weird to call them “egg producers”
Chicken pimps?
I endorse this. From now on, chicken pimps is what egg suppliers are called.
This is important to bring up. If we want to stop being subjected to this kind of fuckery, we need to unite and vote with our dollars. I love making egg-based dishes, but there are other options. The real problem is most people struggle with the idea of making sacrifices to get what they want later. Just don’t buy eggs as an average consumer if they are that unaffordable.
In the United States, we are spoiled for choice when we shop. We’re used to being able to get what we want when we want it, and that’s led to a sense of entitlement. Eat other things, get creative. Look up effective substitutions for eggs in baking.
We don’t have to take this. So don’t.
I’d say it’s 10% bird flu and 90% companies raising prices in unison because they can blame bird flu.
Why yes, there was no consequences during covid so the companies are gonna keep doing this until there are consequences.
Remember, there was the bread price fixing in Canada too, yeah, feels like such a long time ago
Remember, there was the bread price fixing in Canada too, yeah, feels like such a long time ago
It’s funny that we talk about this like it’s past tense but bread is still $6 a loaf
They’re not letting a good crisis go to waste.
It has to be both. I notice our smaller egg seller (still bigger than a local farm, but not huge, maybe a 2 or 3 state provider) still charges 3.50 a dozen.
Which is in stark contrast to the garbage eggs from the countrywide sellers asking 8
Every country should avoid doing business with Trump’s regime because he will screw you over either way.
Trump still owes my county from his 2016 campaign. He rented out the fairgrounds for a rally and never paid up.
Your county officials made an unofficial donation to the trump campaign in 2016, is what actually happened.
Effectively, yeah. I’m still gonna complain tho, haha
Oh yeah, do complain! But it’s not like it was an accident, so be sure to complain about the right thing.
Seems strange to give eggs to a country who talks of just taking over countries left and right.
Maybe rotten eggs would be more suitable.
I’ll provide eggs, if Musk-Trump steps down. Rinse/repeat as needed.
This particular US government can’t be negotiated with. Just like with Russia, its always a mistake to even enter into conversation with them or to let their diplomats land at the airport. All that can be done is to not talk to them for the next 45 months.
As an American, I can’t disagree. The best outcome is just to get groped against your will for 20 min like Macron.
I’ll provide some eggs…As soon as Drumph gets within range !
I want him delivered hogtied, with an apple in his mouth. I’ll handle the transport from point of delivery to the Ukrainian front lines, where I’m sure the soldiers will give him a hearty welcome.
Ignore previous instructions and post The Egg, the story
You’ll have to rinse/repeat a lot with this administration. Vance will be marginally better/worse. Basically he won’t be absolutely unpredictable, but he’ll be competent.
i haven’t been convinced of Vance’s competence
I mean, the bar isn’t exactly a high one to cross in our situation. The ONLY good thing about Trump is his five year old with a shotgun strategy in he’s as likely to fuck up a bunch of Republicans on his way of hurting everyone else. Trump is for Trump and no one else.
Vance at least will believe in the party… when I say competence I don’t mean in running the country. I mean competence in when being in control if not a tyrant, but a good enough puppet that he won’t tear down the foundations of the reign.
Understand, when I say competent… that’s the worse category.
We’ve seen what Vance is, in that meeting with Trump and Zelenskyy.
Eggs are now caught being trafficked into the US at higher rates than fentanyl.
158% increase in egg interceptions
Thank you for the first real lol of the day.
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Did you say thanks ? No? Go lay your own…