Ahead of U.S. Supreme Court arguments next week, a watchdog group asserted Wednesday that right-wing Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas must recuse themselves from a case “whose outcome could have sweeping consequences,” citing “significant conflicts of interest” due to their relationships with “conservative kingpin Leonard Leo.”
Recuse themselves? What do you think their job is? How do you think these costumed fossils got their jobs? This is it.
They’re asked to choose to recuse themselves? As if they actually have even the tiniest speck of integrity?
I’m not even sure what the point is. It’s like asking a termite to not eat my house.
I agree with you. It’s bullshit. But at the same time, if no one “asked” or mentioned recusal, wouldn’t that be seen as implicit agreement?
IF we ever get past this, and overthrow our fascist dictators, I sure as shit hope whomever is in charge will seriously consider revamping a few staples of good ol’ ‘murican democracy; e.g., term limits for congress and the senate, as well as for judges. Lifetime appointments were a bad idea then, and are an absolute wretched nightmare now. Also, nuke Citizens United from orbit with that secret death ray we have in space.
The real equivalent…
Spoiler: they won’t.
The party of inaction!
The party of ✨Personal Responsibility ✨
Almost every FedSoc judge has connections to Leonard Leo and has probably gone to one those creepy Bohemian Grove retreats that was already creepy like a century ago. They can’t all recuse themselves or we’d have a democracy.
Not the female judges, of course. No women allowed at Bohemian Grove retreats — maybe some trafficked teens but no grown women. Grown women would probably react like how younger generations of men quietly changing clothes in gym locker room react when a creepy old man drying his saggy old balls on a bench makes direct eye contact and asks you a question.
Recuse from the country
Recuse from
the countryLife
9 votes. 2 (maybe) recuse, leaving 7. 3 of those 7 appointed by Trump, another a swing voice but also the same one that apparently thought t had kingly immunity in a way that in the past most reasonable folks thought was un-American.
I mean, better odds are better odds. But I’m not confident this isn’t a bought court already, recusal or not.
I am about to read the article, I’ve not read it yet, my comment is based solely on the actors in this particular description.
Vox’s Ian Millhiser reported Wednesday that “if the Supreme Court accepts an argument raised by a federal appeals court, which struck down the federal program, it would bring about one of the biggest judicial power grabs in American history, and hobble the government’s ability to do, well, pretty much anything.”
Yup, so far, I’m of the same low confidence
Edit2, I’ll try and stop after this, sorry:
While “all six conservatives now sitting on the Supreme Court can credit Leo with helping to shepherd their confirmations,” the watchdog’s report states, the right-wing legal activist is “close personal friends” with Alito and Thomas.
It’s like a circus to go with your bread, except we’re the monkeys caged and abused by the clowns 🤡