Silently thanking whatever dark powers they believe in that not only did they get away with it scott-free, their crimes have now been eclipsed by more flagrant recent ones.
Have they? Trump’s stuff is horrific but GWB killed 150-250,000 people either to steal oil and thus make American products cheaper or “because they hate our freedom” .
I’m including inevitable future deaths in Trump’s kill count. He’s already set in motion actions that will lead to more - ending of various aid programs, ending medical research, putting an anti-vaxxer in charge of the health department, and so forth. His policies regarding Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen, etc., will lead to at least as many combat-related deaths.
In terms of the destruction of America’s alliances and reputation, Trump has already vastly exceeded anything Bush II did and he’s only two months in. In terms of the destruction of America’s system of government, same.
See, I always thought it was too show up his dad, or correct the perceived “wrong” of his dad not finishing the first Iraq war by killing Saddam.
Somehow Dick Cheney is still alive
… raising golden retrievers on a farm with his wife
On a positive note: at least the motherfucker retired unlike most politicians of his generation.
Donald Rumsfeld died in 2021. Fuck him.
In at least one case, finding sufficient common ground with present-day democrats to endorse their presidential nominee.
Oh shit, a Democratic presidential nominee was endoresed by one of them? Thank you for bringing that to our attention. Everyone please pay attention. One of these people endorsed a Democratic presidential nominee. Don’t vote for a Democrat for any public office! I repeat, don’t vote for any Democratic nominee! But if you accidentally vote for Donald Trump or other republicans that’s okay
What is this formatting?
Durr hurr hurr if you don’t love how far to the right the party has become, you must be a trumper! There can be no other possible explanation, since everyone loves everything about dick cheney!
You got the approval of the only person you want to be.
I know I have to vote for Trump and his genocidal nazis.
Becauae someone bad agreed with the other side once.
Just, no choice really, otherwise I wouldn’t be such a complete stupid spoiled child.
Becauae someone bad agreed with the other side once.
Lemmy’s pro-genocide contingent was super happy about the endorsement at the time. Nice to see some of you are willing to regard it as a mistake and start downplaying it.