What is all this daily pain and suffering for if I don’t do what I was meant to do? We die eventually… fuck it!
I go to bed at 9 and wake up at 6 and im still fucking tired.
One of my staff does this every day of his life. His roommate works with us as well and confirms it. Dude will game until 10am, then crash for a couple of hours and be into work at 1pm. Rinse and repeat. Five days per week. Rolls out of bed with ten minutes to spare, throws on his uniform and starts walking. I don’t know how he survives the lifestyle, but I guess it’s working for him.
Definitely unsustainable past a certain age.
I agree with this 100%. Let the kids have their fun while they still can. Life will catch up and they will learn it’s not feasible to maintain. They will either adapt or fall behind. If they’re doing their work now, no harm.
Bought and installed Elite yesterday for the first time. This is completely true for me today.
So here’s what you do. Retire. I play video games as long as I want. I sleep whenever I want for as long as want. It’s pretty great.
So many idiots don’t know this one secret. It’s like they have to work to pay for basic needs or something stupid like that.
I know! I worked and slaved for 30 years only to find out they were right all along!
I used to do this when I was below 30 and it works pretty well for a time. If you work and have a family, this is the only segment of time you can carve into, to create more time for yourself.
One thing to be careful about though- there is growing evidence that not getting enough sleep earlier in your life like this can lead to dementia when you’re older.
Well, if you wake up at midnight with five hours of sleep in you, then you’ve got a few hours to yourself before sneaking in the last three before the day starts.
The nice part is you won’t have to go through all the bother of getting up and getting ready.