This just in: Sauron says hobbits are nasty
“Sauron steals our bit complaining about nasty, nasty Hobbitses, Precious!”
Nasty Canadianses, they took our Precious.
This just in: The worse person you know thinks nation famous for being extremely friendly is “nasty”
The national post is a U.S. owned newspaper that runs in Canada.
Those articles are all geared towards making the U.S. look good. Don’t believe a word of what’s in it. They have an agenda to work towards breaking Canada.
The headline suggests the opposite
Read the comments.
The moment when Donald’s heart was broken
That one? Or this one?
“Melania’s looking at Trudeau like she wants him to turn that dress into a Canadian flag.”
- stolen from the other site
Well stole my friend, that is a golden comment.
Ivanka is his one true love so he might have been irritated by Melania’s thirsting but the betrayal of Ivanka really hurt.
shes stuck with Kushner though.
If something is really cool, Trump hates it.
If something is garbage, Trump thinks it’s wonderful.
If something mocks Trump, Trump’s brittle ego can’t handle it. He has no emotional capacity to handle criticism. He is stuck with the emotional maturity of a generic 5-year old; maybe 7-year old.
If we’re so nasty, why does he want us so badly?
Well just look at E. Jean Carrol. “Nasty” to him often means that he wants to literally rape you.
Do you know that Canada has a 250 per cent tariff? Two hundred and fifty, nobody knows that. They charge us numbers that are crazy.
Cheeto continues to be totally ignorant of how tariff work.
I honestly, literally believe that Trump still doesn’t know what a tariff is.
Pretty sure you can say that about most republicans.
I always go back to that picture of melania staring lustily at Trudeau. I think that was the trigger/catalyst for all of this. Trump is that petty.
He’s single now, I hope she hits that just because it would make Trump sad
Coming from trump, it’s a compliment. It’s means they’re nothing like him and nothing could be better
Says the guy cruising around telling every other country to go fuck themselves.
Not every other country! He’s on good terms with Russia.
And he thinks the leader of NK is just swell.
I stand corrected.
Ork only see goodness in other orks, because of orky ways.
Simple words from a simple man(child).
" We don’t need their cars. We don’t need their lumber … We don’t need their energy. We don’t need anything.” Fascist colonialist int full display: we don’t need anything you have (false, otherwise you would leave us the fuck alone) so you shouldn’t exist.
I don’t know who is stupider…Trump or the voters who elected him?
I hope the US just rots and falls apart in 4 years.
The voters for sure. I’ve engaged with so many obnoxious, irrational, hyper-aggressive people lately who are so high on their own farts and delusion that they’re beyond getting through to. One guy even offered to “fly me out today” to fight him over the subject. Right-wing propoganda has them angry at their own shadow.
I know advocating for violence is frowned upon, but maybe fucking these people up is the only way to get through to them. Seems to be the only language they speak by the end of any argument.
Keep repeating to yourself: they have an “external locus of identity”. This is why they are angry, because an attack on Trump is an attack at their personal identities.
Lmao. Should have asked him to send you the money to book. I’m sure he can afford it with all of the money he’s saving because of tariffs and DOGE cuts.
Visit the red run welfare states, they fell apart long ago.
No you don’t.
If the government of the USA falls apart there is still a giant military infrastructure in place.
If you think that they’ll just shut down all those aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines you are terribly mistaken.
People seem to keep missing that. The only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in war is falling apart. You aren’t safe if you’re in another country. You aren’t safe if you’re on this planet.
Exactly. Politics is messy and there aren’t ever going to be perfect options.
Figuring out the least terrible choice is how we progress.
the voters, trump knows republicans are so easy to manipulate thats why he switched parties to republicans.
Why not in 6 months? The level of under-education of americans is a threat to the survival of the specie.
We are.