i want a little buddy not an obedient kitten. I wanna have conversations with my cat through our actions not tell him to do everything i say. I would love for him to think for himself and learn. but hes sooo stupid guys i know he’s young (a year and 8 months i believe) but im also not speaking his language. he’s smart im sorry. but he keeps biting me even though im like heyy stop!!! and he’s been knocking over his water dish. and eating our roomates plants! he has so much spark and when i teach him sit/stay it breaks my heart because i don’t see any of his personality, just a cat who is really in want of a treat. im his only source of food!!! of course he’ll sit/stay but he KNOWS hes better than that! maybe i should hide little bits of food around the kitchen living room and bedroom (all the rooms i and him have access to) so he can feel like hes hunting and he’ll eat the food instead of wrecking plants? or would that just encourage that behaviour. even know as i type this up i ignore him and he scratches at me. he wants my attention so bad! i don’t wanna be an absent mother!!! he deserves stimulation and attention and praise and patience !!! sit stay is bullshit!!! hes really cute but hes cute regardless. sit stay is to show off! how well trained he is! i don’t wanna train him just teach him what I prefer he does ! im kinda high and i love my cat please share cat tips/advice

edit: added an image of him!!

  • skylerM
    31 year ago

    Teaching a cat tricks of any kind isn’t inherently mean. Forcing a cat to do them against their will would be mean. If your little guy is willing to sit and learn tricks for treats then you’re not being mean. If he wants nothing to do with the tricks but you keep forcing him to try, or start only giving him food for tricks, then that’d be mean.

    A surprisingly easy trick to teach him is jumping through an arm hoop. It might be a more fun for him. Here’s a pretty good video on how to teach it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-my7J_8gcE.

    Just make sure to keep training sessions pretty short. 1 to 5 minutes is how long my cat’s training sessions tend to be. But you’ll have to figure out what your cat can handle. If he seems uninterested or tired then it’s time to stop.

    Is he biting when you’re playing or just spontaneously? If it’s during playtime you can try making a pain noise and then stop playing with him for a bit. He should pick up that getting too rough equals no more fun.

    Hiding treats is a great way to give him some stimulation, but I’m not certain it will help keep him off the plants. Some cats just really like shredding up plants. Maybe getting him some cat grass to destroy instead could work?