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    1 year ago

    The discworkd series

    William Gibson’s books

    Neal Stephenson’s books (except Anathem, too looong)

    Bartimaeus series by Jonathan Stroud

    Dan Simmons books

    The Atrocity archives by Charles Stross (just discovered this one, a must read!)

    The master and Margarita

    Kunderna (the old ones)

    Umberto Eco (especially Baudolino)

    So basically sci-fi or fantasy in a plausible heavy setting I guess :-D

    Edit: forgot the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy OFC!

    My mind got jogged so I’ll add Catch 22 by Joseph Heller to the list too. IMO definitely a good read if you liked the HHGTTG.

    • amio
      1 year ago

      Discworld is sometimes compared to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. That’s to say they’re both heavily tongue-in-cheek, not “hard” scifi/fantasy. HGTTG is “hard” scifi in the same way Rincewind is Gandalf - ie not at all. They’re running more on Rule of Funny, and it works pretty well. Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams were both English, of course, and have quite a bit of overlap in their humor, commentary and writing style.

        11 year ago

        Yeah a favourite from my youth, actually got hooked when they aired on Swedish radio!

        It’s just so long time ago I forgot them, perfect suggestion!

      31 year ago

      Plausible, heavy setting - Discworld 🤔

      Regarding the first, have you tried the Robin Hobb books?

      I don’t know many that are similar to discworld though. Maybe Good Omens by Sir Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaimen

        21 year ago

        😁 Well people act as (evil, bad, stupid, capricious, vicious, power hungry, but also good in lots of ways) people do and the world itself is quite well built IMO.

        Yeah I have one or two Robin Hobb, IIRC it was like okay but a bit meh, I’ll check it out again.

        Good omens was okay, not my favourite though.


      21 year ago

      Try some Vonnegut if you haven’t. hgttg really feels like a derivative of Sirens of Titan in particular. Slaughterhouse 5 is one of my favorites too

        11 year ago

        I’ll check him out, read some pages of Sirens of Titans and weeelll it feels a tad old if you get what I mean, like even if it was a really good book then, the tropes have worn out now. Will check out though!

      11 year ago

      Anything by Ian McDonald.

      This is How You Lose the Time War

      Black Science, Paper Girls (graphic novels)

      The Crow (the movie)

      11 year ago
      • Bobiverse series by Dennis E Taylor
      • Starsight series by Brandon Sanderson
      • Starship’s Mage series by Glynn Stewart
      • Starship for sale series by M. R. Forbes

      All of these are very light reading. I think the target demographic for this sort of stuff is teenagers.