Is it a note-taking station? Is it a decoration only? Is it your regular journal? Is it a shopping list maker? Is it on display or tucked away?

I use mine to quickly write down ideas, so that I don’t get distracted by other things on a computer or have to wait for a computer to boot up. Other than that it’s a conversation piece and a decoration.

Edit, I forgot to include, I have a Royal like the one below. It was the cheapest one at the antique store, and it has worked perfectly for the 10+ years I’ve owned it.

  • Punkie
    11 year ago

    She switched to some “Sharp” (the brand) model that had a single-line LCD screen that you typed and when done, it would print the entire line at once. This made it easy to “backspace” typos before it was on paper. So she loaned me the Smith Corona. I think I used it for 2-3 years before she died.