• @FelixMortane@lemmy.ca
    263 months ago

    We can start by acknowledging that you are already pushing the line to minimize the issue by trying to make it about physical harm only, not psychological harm of being in an related incident.

    Most recent data is from 2022, and indicates there are 49.6 million school aged children in the US. The closest we have to official numbers around children involved in gun violence in school shootings since 1999 starting with Columbine comes from the Washington Post (because, for some reason, the US government doesn’t track this). It says that 338,000 children have been involved over this time period.

    That comes out to 0.7% of all school aged children have been involved in a school shooting in the US. Your 'bullshit, pulled from your ass, percentage above is 4 magnitudes off of reality. That is the same as you finding a ten dollar bill and loudly yelling “I JUST FOUND $100,000!”.

    Do better and suck less. This is just around your claims as well, that is setting aside the monstrous view point that any percentage of kids would be acceptable to be involved in school shootings.

    • @flames5123@lemmy.world
      143 months ago

      As much as I agree with you trying to find statistics, your numbers are flawed. You’re comparing a single year’s current school aged children to a 24 year data set.

      • @FelixMortane@lemmy.ca
        143 months ago

        You are correct, that was a flaw in my process.

        If a child makes it from K to G12, that is 13 years of school. Checking a quick chart showing the number of enrollment in schools from in the 80’s and 90’s, enrollment was lower. Once it hit 2005, it is between 49m-51m. If we cut the percentage in half to and round down to 0.3%, my statement of the 4x magnitude still stands.

        Thank you for considering, checking and bring up that misrepresentation in my previous number.

    • @RaoulDook@lemmy.world
      -213 months ago

      I’m not worried about it or what you think about me. My facts are from the Brady Institute and are 100% correct.

      • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        243 months ago

        “my facts are 100% correct. No I will not provide a source link or answer any questions.”

        -A person who thinks you should listen to them for some reason.

      • @FelixMortane@lemmy.ca
        93 months ago

        Your terribly cherry picked facts of taking only the deaths against the population (or so I assume, you have shown no work) are still dishonest to the issue. Napkin math shows that at least about 0.5% of US schools have had a school shooting in 2024 (546 incidents with 115,171 schools). “My facts are from the Brady Institute and are 100% correct.” is just simply incorrect as there are more victims of school shootings than the 414 deaths (the lowest it has been in 5 years, so not even an average)

        Oh, and referencing the Brady Institute. I assume you mean this one?
        The one fighting gun violence in schools with the exact opposite morale standing and talking points you mentioned?

        You are likely the same kind of person who is saying “wHy diD wE mAke aLl thEm ozOnE lAws, iT’s fiNE nOW! wHaT a waSTe”.

        Additional article for you as well, in general gun related deaths are the leading cause of death for children and teens. I guess that is inconsequential as well. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/guns-remain-leading-cause-of-death-for-children-and-teens

        Final point, I know I would never be able to change your mind / view point. The only hope is that others who read this back and forth also come to the realization that your numbers and position is full of crap.