
House Democrats are frustrated with progressive groups like MoveOn and Indivisible, which are pressuring them to oppose the Trump administration more aggressively.

In a closed-door meeting, lawmakers complained about grassroots activists driving constituent calls demanding obstructionist tactics.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer defended the party’s strategy, saying, “We are picking the most important fights and lying down on the train tracks on those fights.”

However, a CBS News/YouGov poll shows 65% of Democratic voters want all-out opposition to Trump’s agenda.

    1 month ago

    What REALLY pisses me off is that feeling that I’m being fucked. My ass has been pulled around to the front like a fucking contortionist and they fucked it right in my face.

    Every email with the “stop fascism” this, and “stop fascism” that with the goddamn donate button like they’re actually doing anything to stop it OR that they actually believe it in the first place. You know what? They don’t. It’s politics as usual for these people.

    Trump skipped Joe Biden’s inauguration.

    These assholes are always pretending to be the good guys, he gave them a free pass to skip his inauguration when he went on and on about the election being stolen. Or, I don’t know, when he had them all running for their lives on January 6.

    Seeing all of the former presidents sitting there at his inauguration (including Bush, who by the way has said out loud that the man is a threat to democracy) legitimized his position and everything looked like no big deal to all of the people who aren’t paying attention.

    It lends legitimacy to the claim that people are experiencing some derangement syndrome when everybody comes to the big party and it appears to be business as usual.

    And you know what? It mostly is. At least to them.

    These are a rare breed of people who are nasty enough to seek power in the first place. They get it by being two faced. They get it by exaggerating their feelings. They get it by calling a fellow human being whatever nasty name they can think of and then turn right around and shake his hand with their fake smiles and their suits that cost more than my car.

    I. Am. Done.

    I’m done responding to them with donations. I’m done being bombarded with cries of threats that they don’t take seriously except to say what they need to say to raise funds.

    I’m staying out of it. I’ll vote for the lesser of two narcissists/egos when it’s time to do that.

    As others have said. It’s time for a progressive party.

    This isn’t the time of magazines and newspapers telling folks who to vote for. If the internet can’t make a viable third party stand a chance I don’t know what can.

      41 month ago

      This isn’t the time of magazines and newspapers telling folks who to vote for. If the internet can’t make a viable third party stand a chance I don’t know what can.

      You’re trying to light a match underwater. A third part cannot survive in the current American electoral system.