Neither lowering fares or simply increasing enforcement can solve fare evasion alone. Investing in better services and winning public trust are just as important.

  • bluGill
    31 month ago

    Fare collection typically generates a subtantial amount of revenue and so you assumption that it doesn’t fails.

    for most people a fare such that busy routes are profitable is perfectly reasonable and they will pay.That makes your subsidy for less but routes that are still worth having (in part because they feed to the busy route which wouldn’t be profitable without those riders).

    as this study has found most people value service higher than the cost of a fare. Free fare advocates are killing the system by taking away a source of revenue that could instead be usedeto make the system better.

    i’m all for helping the poor. Target just the poor with free fares. That lets you help the poor by giving them good service instead of service for the poor but ‘normal’ people drive*

    • Zagorath
      91 month ago

      Free fare advocates are killing the system by taking away a source of revenue that could instead be usedeto make the system better

      Nonsense. It was already subsidised by over 80%, and that was before they reduced the fares to a flat 50 c. With fares now subsidised well over 95%, it’s likely that there would actually be more money left over if they didn’t have to pay Cubic for the expensive Go Card system and didn’t have to hire people to go around wearing body armour fining people who don’t pay.

      • bluGill
        -51 month ago

        Then raise fares. This study makes it clear that more service is what people want. That fares are so low they are not bringing in money after collection costs is a sign they need to raise them.

        almost no rider is asking for lower fares.