So I’m working on a server from home.

I do a cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate and it says unknown despite the interface being obviously up, since I’m SSH’ing into the box.

I try to explicitely set the interface up to force the status to say up with ip link set eth0 up. No joy, still unknown.

Hmm… maybe I should bring it down and back up.

So I do ip link set eth0 down and… I drive 15 miles to work to do the corresponding ip link set eth0 up

50 years using Unix and I’m still doing this… 😥

    51 month ago

    I was scared to move the cloud for this reason. I was used to running to the server room and the KVM if things went south. If that was frozen, usually unplugging the server physically from the switch would get it calm down.

    Now Amazon supports a direct console interface like KVM and you can virtually unplug virtual servers from their virtual servers too.