We all know automakers want to keep tabs on their cars. Stolen vehicle tracking? Sure. Fleet management? Fine. Microphone eavesdropping to serve more ads? Hate it, but OK, that’s a thing. Hold onto your tin-foil hats: Ford just filed a patent for something that takes vehicle tracking into full-blown Twilight Zone territory. Always-On Tracking… In Your Car, or Somebody Else’s.

  • KayLeadfootOP
    326 days ago


    Unethical pro life tip… it’s not like they KNOW you’re not a European. Hit them with the GDPR request anyhow. ThePantser sounds close enough to DerPanzer. Worth a shot, what do I know, tho

    • skulblaka
      126 days ago

      They know you’re not a European. You bought and drive the car in America and presumably park it in America at night. It’s not like they don’t know where it goes.

      • KayLeadfootOP
        126 days ago

        In the “News of the Strange,” we do have Europeans in the USA :) Being located in the USA is not a universal guarantee that you are not eligible for GDPR protections.

        • skulblaka
          126 days ago

          If you’re European but residing in America long term, using American companies from on American soil are you still subject to European GDPR protections? I don’t actually know, I could understand an argument being made either way I think. I guess if you’re an active European citizen you got me there, but I don’t think many of those are here in America buying new cars are they?

          Also, I needed an ID and credit card to buy a car… The dealer definitely knew who I was. I don’t know if you can just buy those cash anymore.

          I could also just be wrong on all counts, but I think a car dealership has many ways to ensure whether or not you are subject to GDPR protections. Faking it probably isn’t going to get you very far.