My neighbour, whom I whinge about regularly, has spent the last week ripping up the grass from his nature strips (each side of the his driveway) and swapping it.
Basically the grass that was on the left is now on the right and vice versa.
In fairness, he used fertilizer, reseeded and all that, but it looks like shite.
My neighbour has a patchwork fence. This morning I heard banging so he’s probably added to it. Paling, corrugated iron, scraps of wood. I might go out later and take a pic cos it’s a work of art.
My neighbour, whom I whinge about regularly, has spent the last week ripping up the grass from his nature strips (each side of the his driveway) and swapping it.
Basically the grass that was on the left is now on the right and vice versa.
In fairness, he used fertilizer, reseeded and all that, but it looks like shite.
Not sure what he’s trying accomplish.
It’s the first step in relocating to the mirror universe? If so, I just may be on board with this…
The end result is something worse than he started off with. Perhaps he knows something we don’t.
My neighbour has a patchwork fence. This morning I heard banging so he’s probably added to it. Paling, corrugated iron, scraps of wood. I might go out later and take a pic cos it’s a work of art.
Some people just like doing shit for the sake of doing it I guess.
How odd.
Indeed he is.