C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, regarding what level they are in the suite, C-1 being CEO and there is only 1. Below them are the C-2s, the heads of departments, etc And above the C is the board. My husband used to be a C-3/4 at a big company. He didn’t have say so, only the CEO and the board have say so in policy and major decisions.
smaller and medium size companies have owners and managers.
TIL what c-suite is.
Also known as the bunch of C’s.
and they have numbers
C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, regarding what level they are in the suite, C-1 being CEO and there is only 1. Below them are the C-2s, the heads of departments, etc And above the C is the board. My husband used to be a C-3/4 at a big company. He didn’t have say so, only the CEO and the board have say so in policy and major decisions.
smaller and medium size companies have owners and managers.
C-suite, y’know:
CEO - chief excrement orifice CFO - chief fuckup operator COO - chief offensive odourator
And so on
Oi. Some of us like to keep a fair but tight ship.
You’re the exception!
I’m a bit different, yes.
I always knew it as The Suits as in the suits upstairs. Times have changed.
PC was Poor Cunt before Political Correct.
Or ELT (executive leadership team) or SLT (Senior leadership team)