(Dunno if the mods were planning on making episode discussion posts themselves, or if we’re free to make these sorts of posts - let me know if you want me to take it down!)
But, yeah - what a great episode! Laszlo reprising his role as someone helping another member of the gang, Guillermo slowly realizing how much Nandor cares, the ramifications of Guillermo’s sweat being - ostensibly - Vampire sunscreen…
Not to mention everything about Colin’s antics - including the mid-credits scene.
…probably my favorite episode of the season, so far!
So good.
I was planning to, but I’m more than happy if someone else does it - after all, this is a community for all fans!
I had just finished the episode so I was a bit excited, heh.
Ay, I’m being gay ova here!
This episode has become one of my favourites. Lazlo on beach, Nandor in outer space, Colin and Nadja Doll in one body …
Most craziest is the end credit scene…
Lazlo on the beach with sunburn later on is fantastic. His outfit is what I aspire to towards the end of my lifecycle.
I wasn’t too hot on season 3 or 4, but this season is off to a great start. This episode is up there with the Jackie Daytona episode for me.
Season 4 sucked overall, but this one is great.
Who among us has never drawn a cock w/balls in the sand?
With Gizmo’s day walker abilities and the cannon of Wesley snipes actually being a vampire with the same abilities as blade do you think that Laszlo and Guillermo are going to consult Wesley snipes on Guillermo’s transformation?
Is that in the budget of the show, is the real question 😅
That was the funniest goddamn episode I have ever seen. I don’t think i stopped laughing the whole time.
Finally had the time to watch and I have to agree.
Ok y’all. I’m finally caught up with the season. Definitely the best episode so far in the season. The dual soul, one body thing soooo messed up but hilarious. Especially the last scene.
The last scene was so great. Also, Colin Robinson unironically preferring the doll to the real thing - lol.
Daddy like, what Daddy like