TL’DR Looking for links and any other information to quick learn American politics and list of things with sources that I can point republicans to when we have discussions.
So I work in a place that is marjority republican and regrettably uninformed but occasionally ask for my perspective as a Canadian. While I admittedly only started caring about US politics when trump was in office his first go. I’ll even admit that at first I got caught up in the trump fervor (wife is republican, imagine how things are going), no it didn’t last long (fervor, I continue to be married). But I digress, when I give them my more “Canadian” version of events I’d like to be able to point at some information to help them educate themselves. Many are actually willing to listen and admit that they didn’t understand the issue.
Something like, a summary of the changes he’s made, timeline comparisons of other falls into autocracy. Anything helps, but I’d like to help them were I can before I have to bug out cause it gets REAL AMERICAN up in here. Stay safe folks, and my American bothers/sisters/others, I get it, if I can help I will.
Your first mistake is assuming that they care about educating themselves. You might find the rare one who does, but most conservatives are already certain about everything, and anti-intellectual in general to boot.
Yeah, maga republicans hold a religious belief now, not an informed political one.
You’re questioning their whole world view when you bring up counter arguments, so a careful approach that works in from the edges of that belief are the only arguments I’ve been able to have.
I mean maga has always had a strong religious component built into its core, as has the conservative party in general since like the 80s, so this isn’t new.
Timeline of Project 2025 goals so far. There’s plenty of P2025 breakdowns on YouTube, and I recommend checking out at least one.
They’ve completed 42% of the plan so far. Yes, really. No, not a joke. There’s a site keeping track of it (that I hope is hosted outside of the US).
Edit: this message brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department
That’s literally the same site I posted.
Merp, sorry, must have been disassociating or something
Get some more tea or coffee! :D
Waiting for the prescription stims to kick
If you intend to continue living in America for now, DO NOT LEAVE THE COUNTRY if it can be at all avoided. Not into Canada, not Mexico, not to any other country, not by land, sea, or air. If you can, stay at least 100 miles away from any border.
Don’t count on your visa, green card, or any other documentation and paperwork you may have being sufficient to allow you back into the country. Honestly, I don’t think we’re far from you being potentially barred from returning even if you’re a naturalized citizen.
If you must leave the country for any reason, do so with the knowledge that you may not be allowed to return. Bring your important documents, extra cash, clothes, etc. make arrangements for your pets, figure out what your next move will be if you get to the US border and are denied entry, where will you go, who will you stay with, etc.
Stay at least 100 miles from any border
Good luck with that. In the US, international airports are considered borders so you’d need to stay away 100 miles from just about everywhere
Fellow Canadian working in the US. Just be yourself they’re curious about you and your ideas