IngeniousRocks (They/She)

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2024


  • My game night group asked me “Can you read glyphs?” I said “yuh”. They said “And you play 4x and resource managers on PC?” I sead “yeah”. They said “perfect, win conditions are… You’ll go last to watch phase order”

    I’ve never had games more succinctly and accurately taught than my current game night group does.

    We taught someone magic the gathering in 20 minutes, they won! (We have a noob friendly format we’ve made which has the goal of eliminating metaplays through a shared 400 card library and an extensive banlist)

  • Counterpoint:

    Time IS real, but like all dimensiona of space it must be traversed in a direction. We can only experience it in a linear fashion, but as it can be traversed there must be a forward and backward (regardless of if we can access it or not). Ergo, predestination is real because all moments are happening simultaneously in different locations upon the time axis.