thats blatantly false im an unfit fuck who eats nothing but ramen all day and cant walk straight because of a knee impediment and i could still do advanced on all but the pushups
thats blatantly false im an unfit fuck who eats nothing but ramen all day and cant walk straight because of a knee impediment and i could still do advanced on all but the pushups
anon is too smart for the quicktime event
: / ima just ignore that
german autocorrect detected servus
i have a vencord extension that does that
gonna be honest never seen a vegan get bullied past 2018 and being an asshole is never ok also wtf is this selfsubserving bullshit just dont eat meat if you think you deserve getting shat on for it you self misserising massochist. appart from that i do believ that veganism is the correct action for the future
thats just the hormones telling you not to chuck it then and there the real fun begins circe 17years in
kinda also increases options beyond just the same 3
just wait till arm becomes mainstream
the real problem for me was paying toplay online games and having no way to install games but the ps store
nah phones aint premium until the price is lower f*cking phone costs so you dont have to spend half a months salary just to not have it become junk in 3 years and not be a buggy mess at launch premium is not paying an arm and a leg and not having your every move tracked and sold to the highest bidder
hab mal nen paar von denen genommen und vom hügel in der stadtmitte papierflieger gebastelt und mit freunden versucht die möglichst weit fliegen zu lassen
time to block me because not voting for biden increases the ods of trump getting in office
i agree but voting 3rd party is the same as nit voting because you only have 2 realistic options which makes it more likely for trump to become president than if you voted for biden (also fuck tankies)
makes me wanna double suicide whoever invented this
my guy megabytes of executable binary are just about as usable as a cpu try reverse engeneering more 1s and 0s than you’ve ever read into something usable when you dont even know how it converts into assembly and logical operations because you lack the architecture knowledge of a cpu
i hate loudness eq purely because its there wenn i dont want it and not there when i do because its often done in the bacground without a toggle