Oh fuck :(
Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Canadian. Polite, but says ‘cunt’ like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.
If you see this username on other instances, it’s almost certainly me on an alt.
Mastodon - https://universeodon.com/@GeekFTW
Oh fuck :(
Come on, buddy lol.
We came to this thread brother, we should not be surprised lmao
Whelp…boo-urns. :(
OOTL and someone who only uses a vm once every several years for shits & grins: What happened to vmware?
That’ll be what causes Skynet to rise.
Or you know, don’t.
This part, preferably.
Don’t sleep on Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Minish Cap either!
I’m a cis boy and I have boobs.
I’ve been on the internet since '98, I’ve had worse in mine so here ya go rofl (mind the wikipedia notations, I wanna inform but I’m also lazy):
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов), or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion (Протоколы собраний ученых сионских мудрецов), is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination. Largely plagiarized from several earlier sources, it was first published in Imperial Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy.
Beginning in 1933, distillations of the work were assigned by some German teachers, as if they were factual, to be read by German schoolchildren throughout Nazi Germany,[1] although the text had been exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and by the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924. Today, it remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by antisemitic groups as a genuine document. It has been described as “probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written” since it emerged from Russia shortly before World War I.[2]
Not in the slightest. Even with the last decade of ‘pfft, why pirate when we have Spotify?!1’ dialogues, music piracy never slowed down for a moment.
A) New Pipe is a phone app only.
B) People view YouTube on devices other than phones.
C) People view more websites than just YouTube, on which they also want to block ads.
Well I wish you luck in finding what you’re looking for, but Lemmy/Kbin by definition isn’t it.
Any community that isn’t 100% fully owned and operated by you, yourself, Mango, is going to run into the risk of a mod ‘censoring’ or deleting something that you wanna see.
Any and every community. Here, Reddit, Facebook, any social media, any forum public or private. If you yourself don’t own and run it in its entirely, that’s a problem you cannot avoid.
So I mean this without any real intended offense but: shit or get off the pot. Run your own community that connects to no other system or service run by other people and hope the people you wanna talk to drop by, or tbh get used to it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: Can revenge-downvote me all you want Pepsi but I’m right on this one lol.
You can, it’s called hosting your own instance. It’s literally one of the points of the Fediverse (i.e. ‘Fuck you I don’t like how you’re running things, I’ll go make my own with blackjack and hookers’). If an instance admin does things you don’t like, you get to leave, go to a new instance, and follow the same communities you did before via that one instead.
Tons. Still loving Margaret from 2009ish who asked me if ‘we own the Google’ and wouldn’t take ‘no’.