Also, you don’t get to call yourself “counter culture” when you are in charge of the most powerful country on the planet.
Also, you don’t get to call yourself “counter culture” when you are in charge of the most powerful country on the planet.
That’s not really relevant here. This is more of a “genie is out of the bottle and now we have to learn how to deal with it situation”. The idea and technology of bots and AI training already exists. There’s no socioeconomic system that is going to magically make that go away.
Ok, I now need a screensaver that I can tie to a cloudflare instance that visualizes the generated “maze” and a bot’s attempts to get out.
Does Greenpeace even have any assets they could be made to pay with if they wanted to?
It’s like Canada has switched from embracing our polite and slightly passive aggressive British side, to embracing our “fuck the consequences and fuck you” not-so-polite French side.
I’m here for it. I think we should start doing all official communication with the US in French. After all, it is one of our official languages, and I’m feeling awfully petty.
I’m not asking everyone to be able to become a hardware specialist, but if you can’t even figure out “my computer gets hot” I’m not going to be able to trust anything you do. Identifying a heat issue does not take a rocket surgeon.
Could be a gen 5 nvme drive without adequate cooling. Them bastards can run hot. Especially the early gen 5 drives.
Yes, but this may be a symptom of an issue I’ve been seeing with younger programmers; they’ve siloed themselves so specifically into whatever programming they “specialize” in, that they become absolutely useless at dealing with absolutely anything else related to their job. And exasperating this issue is the fact that they’ve grown up with systems that “just work”. Windows, iOS, and android are all at the point where fucking around with hardware issues is very uncommon for the average person.
Asking this guy to solve a hardware problem is like asking hime to tune a carburetor. He likely has not the slightest clue how to start.
That’d be great, but I’m not sure how Canada is going to enforce Canadian law inside the US, and I imagine that he’s at least smart enough to stay out of Canada.
I love me some mega-projects, but as much as I’d love to see Neom succeed, I will be absolutely shocked if it ever becomes something more than a big ditch in the desert.
Well, Ontario has been talking about building some more nuclear reactors. I guess it’s time to change up the “reactor” part.
That falls squarely under the “don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to” category.
Nah, it won’t piss off any of them. They’ll do whatever mental gymnastics they have to keep their worldview intact.
“second fastest growing channel in cable television” eh? I guess that means they got one new viewer while everything else went negative.
Because eating the rich will accomplish nothing if you don’t also change the underlying system that created them in the first place. And good luck getting everyone in the non-rich class to agree on what that change should look like.
That’s fine. The courts will just toss it.
Might not. I assume there’s some sort of penalty clause built into the contract, so there shouldn’t be much to sue about unless Ford tries to find a way to not pay that penalty.
Since you can’t use your mirror anyway, just adjust it so that it reflects back at them.
Well that depends entirely on just how difficult that first step actually was, and how long your legs are.