What the shit.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, German (linksgrünversifft), fanartist. Likes Doctor Who a normal amount. Also other nerdy BS. 🖖⚛️🦄🐙🦖🎮🗾
✨ #fckafd #fckcdu #fckmrz ✨
What the shit.
How is that going to prevent it from merging with the background? As I said, I already look at it and don’t see it.
Yes, that’s the reason, clearly. Maybe they also forget that people can smell their bad breath?
Also, to reiterate, this is ADHD. You’re going to have to go better than one (1) reminder.
Kids these days will be easy prey for the Goblin King.
Doesn’t work, “20th century” as a term is synonymous with “modern”. “The xx00s” is automatically “a long time ago”.
It is also obvious to adults that you should brush your teeth everyday, so why tell them?
“Please brush your teeth in the morning” is “just do it”. Honestly, even adding “the people around you can smell your bad breath” would’ve been an improvement of sorts.
You said you didn’t know why “just do it” is a bad thing to say which implies nobody’s ever said it to you.
Thank you for pointing this out, I shouldn’t have just skimmed the nonsense.
“Just do it” is what neurotypicals say when they want to give advice. “Just exercise more”, “just do yoga”, “just make a list”, “just take out the trash everyday”, “just put it away after you use it”, “just fix your sleep”, “just make an effort”, “just be normal”. It’s not advice, it’s unhelpful and talking down to a child.
Honestly weird that you say you haven’t encountered it.
What you said boils down to “just do it”. You recognise why that’s a bad thing to say, yeah?
Good job, this worked for you. It doesn’t work for others.
What are you trying to do when you say that, like a parent trying to make their child brush their teeth? Do you HONESTLY think anyone here isn’t aware that dental hygiene is important and hasn’t tried a billion ways (including begging and pleading with themselves) to get themselves to do this normal thing that normal people do with ease? Don’t you think the problem MIGHT lie elsewhere, in this community about a neurodivergence? Do you need to read up on what ADHD is?
Hi, I too forget to brush my teeth but I downvoted you because you’re being patronising as fuck. Have a nice day.
No but seriously, this is an issue. I usually at least use the toilet (because obvious bodily signal) before going to bed which, due to the layout of the bathroom, means I have no choice but to look at the spot where my toothbrush is. I also do have the decency to remember to wash my hands which means even more time spent looking in that direction. I STILL manage to not see the toothbrush and forget to brush. Anything not moving and/or yelling merges with the background noise. *confused T-rex noises*
Oh you want me to NEVER brush my teeth instead of every 1-2 days.
That was, indeed, the joke ;)
None. I’m a stickler for the rules so I strictly follow the rules as they were taught to me. Which of course includes such classics as putting any fines in the middle to be collected when you land on Free Parking.
Which is probably why they do still sell these dictionaries, just not nearly as many as they used to.
Good lord. Not the fucking point. Have a nice day.