Lorem ipsum

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Okay, this was harder than anticipated. Maybe someone can find an easier solution:

    Go to the video you want to download, open the DevTools in your browser (F12 in Firefox), go to Network (you might need to reload the page), play the video. In the search bar under Network type in .m3u8. You’ll get a file likely named master.m3u8. Right-click on it ‘Copy value’ than ‘Copy url’. Paste this in the following yt-dlp command:

    yt-dlp \
      --add-header "Referer: https://vidmoly.to/" \

    This should download the video.
    If you want the subtitles, search for .vtt instead (you might need to select the desired subtitles in the player first). You can directly open the subtile file and download it.

    I really hope someone can give you an easier solution.
    Don’t hesitate to ask further questions!

    Some background

    The the website is not supported and the generic downloader from yt-dlp doesn’t work, hence the need for the m3u8 playlist. Their primary video host seems to be vidmoly, which I found that under the Request Headers.
    BTW vidmoly as a standalone website is also not supported in yt-dlp with the hilarious reason:

    This site looks like it is primarily used for piracy and therefore cannot be supported.

  • You mentioned dread of long stretches of grass. Buy Repels!
    Seriously, that skips 90% of the useless animations.
    If you find yourself underleveled, just use X-Items, those are busted.
    For the Elite Four use the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza, it’s overleveled in Emerald at level 70. If you don’t want to use legendaries, you can use Linoone to sweep the the whole Elite Four.

  • This seems like a bit of a scam:
    On your external drives you can prevent the creation of .DS_Store

    defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
    defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true

    If you really want to continuously delete DS_Store from both your internal and external hard drives you can set up a cronjob:

    15 1 * * * root find / -name '.DS_Store' -type f -delete