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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • I’ve read that Hitler intentionally gave government-departments overlapping authority, so that they’d be in turf-wars, so whichever one “lost” could then be shut-down…

    It wasn’t incompetence, it was intentional: a means for force-dismantling government’s function.

    IF the point of having the incapable running the different departments … is so that total-dictatorship later becomes “justified”, then it is a strategem, not a mistake.

    & differentiating between unconscious-strategems vs conscious ones …

    … as an example of unconscious-tactics, I’m now certain that Hamas’s strategem of using the lives of Palestine as bait, to get Israel to demonstrate its nihilism & sadism & narcissism & machiavellianism ( etc ) on, …

    … so that in future, the entire-region wouldn’t care what “deterrent” Israel had, … that such a huge percentage of the region’s population would be committed to annihilating Israel at ANY cost, … that Israel’s annihilation becomes inevitable…

    … was completely unconscious.

    But it is effective.

    I don’t bet ANYthing on Israel existing, as a country, by 2029, now.

    Trying to sort-out the … bucket-of-vomit, which is what geopolitics now is … with all its unconscious-strategems & insane tactics & sickening “values” …

    I’m betting that Trump will use the consequences-of-his-people’s-incompetence to “justify” greater, & more-complete, highjacking of the US of A.

    I absolutely do not believe it’ll result in the Dems regaining the US:

    that opportunity was thrown-away with the election that Biden wouldn’t get out of, until it was too late to save.

    1. differentiating the convenient-to-the-left-belief isn’t journalism, it is just more of the filter-bubble that cost the Dems the 2024 election.

    2. seeing such things not with the superiority/contempt of the left, but rather with the … how is this going to be dealt with and adapted-to by the ruling-regime, how are they going to use this to further their highjacking? would be much closer to journalism.

    3. humans are mixtures of unconsciousness & consciousness, & much of our “tactics” and “strategy” is actually just unconscious-instinct & feelings-motivated stuff, so it doesn’t matter whether it is unconscious or conscious, it doesn’t matter whether it is contempted by so-and-so, or whether some caste/class of people are condescending about it, in Natural Selection, it only matters if it works. Pay attention to if it’s viable-enough to continue taking our world down, not to what the upper-middle-class-left are saying while denigrating it.

    ( feel free to contempt everything I said here, but I’m sooo damn tired of filter-bubble making-believing substituting for the survival-stuff that humankind needs … & every mistake made by anybody can be changed in significance by circumstance,

    so the whole “they’re failing, & we’re going to be their ‘daddy’ when they do” narrative that much of the upper-middle-class left that I’ve seen is identifying in… is just more ignoring/denying, with a price-tag counted in lives later this decade.

    Pragmatism would be a good thing, now, & “it’s only a won-game when it’s completely finished” would also be good to live by. )

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  • Here Here: the white-blue-white Russians, fighting alongside Ukraine, against Putin’s forces, they validly are Russian, & they validly oppose Putin’s alignment.

    there were Germans who did what they could to grind-to-a-halt Nazism, including some newspaper, too, apparently…

    same as there are US-ians opposed to what Trump’s working himself up to ( the rampaging of Canada & Greenland, so as to be able to, with Putin on the other side, rampage Europe in total ).

    I once worked with a guy who was from Iran, back in the last century…

    He told me that he was at a political-rally, & suddenly something popped/changed in his brain, & suddenly he wasn’t in the population-trance he’d lived all his life in…

    … he was among a crowd, all shouting slogans, & shaking their fists, & he had NO CLUE as to why this should be happening…

    Having “come to”, he methodically got out of Iran, then…

    Culpability/guilt/responsibility gets really muddy, when you’re talking about populations kept in propaganda-trance all their lives, by the local oligarchy…

    ( this is why Journalism, with a capital-J, which holds objectivity to authority, which makes accountability a real & present thing, is a requirement for civil-rights to endure : )

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  • I believe that either all, or most, world-dominating-species go through this stage, after the industrial-revolutions stage…

    Multiply the effect of our action on our underlying-planet by 10,000-fold, without having us go through species-puberty, without forcing us into maturity,

    & the result is inevitable.

    Whether some subset of humankind can earn growing-up enough, & surviving, isn’t to be decided by our current-established-ignorance/irresponsibility…

    Giving-up on future-generations, & just knifing them all in the back, … may be emotionally valid, at the moment, among the privileged West, as it torches its own viability…

    but it’s still outright betrayal of future-generations…

    & anybody who goes through my comments will see that much of the time I’m guilty of giving-up on humankind…

    but while our normal, our default, our current establishment is net-negative, at planetary-scale, that doesn’t prove that this world’s humankind inherently is net-negative, that there’s no subset worthy of living on after we-the-majority-go.

    MOST of our kind need to go extinct, not necessarily the entire species, see?

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  • India can’t rival China’s productivity: its culture is too different.

    ( dad was of India, but Anglo-Indian/British. I’ve more understanding of India’s culture because family talked about it, than most North Americans, but never lived there )

    I’ve been told that India is the ONLY country in the world, where bribery is normal to get the government-official to actually do their job, whereas normally it’s to get them to not do their job…

    The caste-system’s entitlement conditioning, of the upper castes, compared with the abused-all-the-time lower-caste people…

    that caste-system is itself the enemy of Indian competitiveness.

    You can’t just stick makeup on some random animal & claim it’s actually some completely-different kind of animal…

    The reactions, the instincts are different.

    There are books on offshoring work, & the dangers of doing-so, with different cultures…

    In Japan there is now a “loud American” job-position: the person there makes certain that the operation doesn’t keep quietly accommodating corrupt-management or wrong-strategy, until they’re sunk/dead: the loud American’s job is to speak what the conforming Japanese want said, but wouldn’t ever say, because they aren’t gaijin.

    India’s famous for power-distance: inferiors won’t be tolerated to speak truth to superiors, ever.

    That is produced by their caste system.

    That isn’t competitive.

    It’s deeply cultural.

    Modi’s Hindutva India isn’t likely to lessen that, is it?

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  • There already is a death-sentence for being Palestinian & being a child, while the IDF is pointing a rifle in your general direction, as the statistics prove ( & video of their children being killed for sport, too )…

    Even more dangerous being a Palestinian child than being a journalist, in Palestine, when the IDF’s around…

    Scroll down to the bottom of this, & get to finally get past all the … shit “web interaction” of their site, … to the graph…


    13,320 children’s lives destroyed by “Israel” … that wouldn’t be the same “Israel” as the one that Isaiah was of & loyal-to, would it …

    ( no, it wouldn’t )

    & these gaslighters want to pretend that they were all armed combatants??

    I’m sure…

    No matter: their Continuums/Souls/CellsOfG-D will reincarnate into more of the hell-mess they make/enforce, to continue that “religion”, until some other world crops-up with opportunity to outgrow it…

    Their opportunity to outgrow it among this world is pretty-much gone:

    population-polarization’s only going to be increasing, from here until the end of The Great Filter, in the 2070’s or 2080’s, now…

    Churchill’s “never argue with drunks or fanatics” rule is pertinent, to any aliens considering opening-discussions with our species: don’t bother, there’s no intelligent life down here.

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  • I’m willing to bet that they get a “2nd wind”, where some kind of tipping-point removes obstacles to their dismantling of our world’s civilization…

    It was Richard Stutely’s book “The Definitive Business Plan” which identified that there is ONE thing that startups & businesses planning a market-expansion NEVER do:

    understand the opponent’s countermeasures.

    Is anybody looking into the right-wing discussions, to see how they are going to rally/adapt/evolve?

    XOR is this just “looking at the foam on the sea & making pronouncements on the rip-current’s ‘not’ existing”?

    Further, there is a tipping-point crossed, in the US, whereby it’s irreversible: there simply is no way for the US to get back into representative-republic territory, now: too much got dismantled, already, & it isn’t slowing-down.

    In Europe, they’re still working-on getting that far, right?

    & the Heritage Foundation, the original puppetmasters designing Trump’s whole operation…


    ( that tracks their breathtaking accomplishment-speed )

    now working on Europe…


    that is about their plan to dismantle the EU for themselves…


    for 1 window into what their plans are.

    Do the anti-fascist-“society” forces within the countries outside of the US have enough pragmatism, enough objectivity, enough uprightness, to resist the Combined Arms ( attacking from ALL angles possible, until the opponent fails ) assaulting of the far-right, for their converting-the-Western-world-to-a-bunch-of-Russias-owned/ruled-by-them??

    … I am not betting on it, tbh.

    Responsibility & accountability are both their enemies, but both responsibility & accountability are the enemies of … ALL political-entities??

    Politics itself opposes responsibility & accountability, doesn’t it?

    Which sets the underlying problem thus:

    IF politics opposes both responsibility & accountability, because it wasnt ONLY authority-on-others,

    AND ALL the political-factions are working to have political-authority-on-others,

    THEN … how the hell could anybody get what political-motivation doesn’t want, accountability & responsibility, to be the core of any political-“answer”??

    The political basis for any countermeasure hamstrings its trueness-of-aim!

    To me, this identifies that politics, itself, has to be removed from ruling our world: its nature won’t allow the integrity required to keep us alive, during The Great Filter, when political-tantrum, religious-tantrum, ClimatePunctuation, food-chain-degradation/collapse, panic-migrations, totalitarianism, etc, all vie for being the “ruler” of the world, while we try to NOT face our own unconscious-mind’s bulling-ignorance ( which created this whole mess, & which would rather kill us completely-off than force-grow-up ).

    Find 1 country which has the integrity to remove political-motivation with successful machiavellianism, from being significant in its representatives’ government…

    I don’t believe there is 1 on this world.

    Yet it would require a majority-of-NATO to do exactly that kind of thing, to survive what’s gradually blowing-up-in-our-faces…

    _ /\ _

  • There is a simple method for solving actual intractable-problems of things like urban-planning & civil government, as identified in “The Heretic’s Guide to Best Practices”.

    It is issue diagramming.

    They wrongly call it dialog-mapping, but dialogs are of people, & so political-possessions, whereas issues just stand on their own, & so can be independent-of-political-possession.

    Also, they have a deranged infatuation with doing it sideways, calling that a “Capitola Pathway”, but … they’re ivory-tower people, so that’s fine for them.

    Take a portrait-format page & lay it down at one’s toes, & where does the “next step” part of the page happen to be?

    Right above one’s toes, right?

    Where does the far-end-of-the-path, the Goal, happen to be on that page? The far-end, the top, right?

    THAT is the right orientation for an Issue-Diagram, not sideways.

    IF every issue gets solved as an externalized ( didn’t Stephen R. Covey identify DECADES ago that the top-3% most-effective people ALL externalized their goals?? that isn’t “mere coincidence”! ) Issue-Diagram,

    with the structure of the problem displayed as a visual-spacial diagram, showing the connections and dependencies & showing IF this, THEN that connections…

    THEN people gain much more complete understanding, much quicker.

    People’s keeping it in our heads, & just trying to muddle-to the “right” answer through our feelings, can’t work for either entrenched-political problems OR for too-complex problems.

    This method-for-getting-past-our-innate-unconsciousness-and-inability was cracked years ago!

    It works, too.

    ( visual-spacial cracking-of-problems has been discovered to be not only key to cracking urban-planning, civil-problems, it has also been proven to be able to convert a massive-failure-rate among complex software development problems, to an actual-success-rate, instead.

    Wrong-representation for the required critical-thinking is a fundamental error that we keep making.

    I think it may be related to the fundamental-error of doing-the-same-thing-harder when what the actual-context-requires is changing-what-we’re-doing, that was identified as a race-wide mental-defect in the book “The Design of Everyday Things”, a book which is partly responsible for the instigation of the “Mythbusters” franchise, when Savage discovered, through that book, that if a system’s operation wasn’t intuitively-obvious, it may well be its user-interface was engineered-wrong, & ALL the users have the same problem, because of that… )

    Anyways, it was an English mathematician whose video, on software development, clued me in that the visual-spacial cracking of problems & communicating what they are, is THE key to actually succeeding, in ALL such cases…

    & then I understood that “Heretic’s Guide to Best Practices” was actually just doing a variant of that, in a specific domain…

    The method’s sound.

    Have every component-decision identified,

    have what brings the decision’s result contributing to the goal be identified on 1 side of it, as a + ( or above it ),

    have what variant of the decision would obstruct the gaining of the goal on the other side of it, say below it, as a -

    & let people see the tradeoffs, & decide for themselves how these tradeoffs should be managed,

    instead of just “authority decided for you”, ( it should be obvious that the contempt-of-the-population inherent in that stance has political-consequences ) & never bothered including all the required perspectives anyways ( which is the political status-quo, globally ).

    CHANGE the METHOD to change the results!!

    A sentiment of Einstein’s “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

    While it’s unlikely that people will choose to survive if that requires us to stop letting unconscious-habit rule our world, … it’s possible that somebody will actually do-so, for some small portion of this world…

    Otherwise, nonlearning … has fatal consequences.

    Globally, now.

    Political-parties, though, why shouldn’t they just continue obliterating our viability?

    Nothing competes against the political-party-system, right?

    Therefore the political-party-system doesn’t need to learn, or change, or adapt, in any way, right??

    Only when something is competing against a something, directly, CAN it learn?

    Not as-in when the Trump-cult is competing against the Democrat make-belief, obviously that changed nothing…

    but as-in when something’s competing against the current system of misgovernment-by-political-parties, then the political-parties might temporarily show a little integrity … until they removed the threat…

    ( anybody remember when the banks in Canada were temporarily behaving in an upright manner, because the trust-companies were competing against them … until they were all bought-up by the banks?

    this is what I’m talking about: inter-bank-competition changed nothing, but outsiders-competing-against banks did, until they were obliterated from significance.

    I expect exactly the same results with political-parties.

    No change due to inter-party-competition, ONLY possible-change when something threatens the political-party-regime-system )

    Anyways, IF you value your municipal, or federal, or any between-level viability of some government, PLEASE use externalized, visual-spacial, Issue-Diagram style depiction of problems, leaving-out nothing-significant, to SHOW the actual decision-structures that have to be decided-between, & let the entrenched politically-motivated non-thinking fail to compete with your work.

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  • I’d bet that in many countries, the “census” cares more about its status as a gov’t official, than it does about accurate-counting, too…

    While I’d been unconsciously assuming that the world population-count was somehow accurate,

    my KNOWING of how rural people work to evade being counted contradicts my own assumption,

    & your identifying that entire villages that aren’t counted… damn, damn, damn, have I ever been being ignorant/naive…

    Thank you for pointing this obvious-in-hindsight behavior out, for us!

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