Bro why u gotta bring up Nicole! /s
Bro why u gotta bring up Nicole! /s
The freshest Akira variant uses old-timey encryption method vulnerable to brute-force methods
It breaks old-timey encryption.
There’s a butterfly meme to make here, not sure if it should be aimed at the scammer or the reposts
Doesn’t really matter. The important bit is he has no idea either. (It’s likely the former and he’s blaming the weirdos trying to get in)
The c/reddit community is not for people who love reddit. Having reddit in your name doesn’t mean you like or support reddit. There’s no irony, youre just misunderstanding my username, the sub and just about everything else. Stop trying to make fun of people’s usernames.
What I should have said was “reminder: nobody give a shit about going back to reddit” for the slow one’s in the back looking to take things personally.
Talk about the post instead of attacking people directly. I can have whatever in my name and say “nobody cares you can still access reddit”, it doesn’t matter how you interpret my username. Reddit was once something else.
It’s okay you’ll never get it. Go back to feeding money to spez now
I’m surprised all the military and “thank you for your service” people aren’t freaking out about this. I guess theyre busy eating crayons.
This is a community about reddit discussion/news. Most posts are about how they censor, monetize and essentially wage war with their communities #luigi. I don’t need “reminders” to go back.
They circumvent reddit ads by paying reddit directly for the API (using their own ads). It still funds reddit.
There are only two kinds of haircuts: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody has.
Yeah ideally once an hour you get up and bring something far away into focus for a bit, stretch your eyes the other way. Stretching whatever else whenever you can etc…
I changed my typing habits too.
A man of culture. One of a kind
Legend. We have the same shoes and socks. I’m not sexy enough for white pants though, i might need to create a language or two before I can do that.
To be pedantic, that isn’t even right or wrong posture at a computer. The cat one isn’t wrong either.
What they tell you at the big big studios where they have ergonomist and fancy massages, is to change your posture often. Any one posture for a long time is bad, even straight (albeit one that causes the less stress in a given moment).
Reminder: nobody gives a shit about reddit
How do you figure that?
They run ads and subscriptions to afford the API, which is paid to spez.
This is a much better answer than the current top post.
Im a bit too hammered to understand it right now, but I think the math is hidden in here with very ambiguous wording.