I don’t eat it often either. It’s my go to for my birthday. Is raising cattle difficult?
Some say that giant Koreans don’t exist.
I don’t eat it often either. It’s my go to for my birthday. Is raising cattle difficult?
The potato was ridiculously good. I’d never had fondant potatoes before.
My wife cooked this, but no, neither of us are. We just enjoy cooking. Thank you, though!
If you’re in the underworld, aren’t you always playing dead?
I am wondering/hoping if another company will step up and make a PebbleOS based watch with these capabilities.
What’s the title of his book? How to be a Fucker?
Bryers vanilla would if it was the same as it used to be. That was my go to add a kid. It sucks now.
Lots and lots of balls were dropped. Garland didn’t get Trump in jail when he could have. Biden didn’t stick to only one term. A democratic candidate wasn’t really elected when Biden stepped down (for the record, I think that Harris was more than qualified, but a lot of people were upset that she was just “chosen”). Harris didn’t try to stand out and be her own candidate - she mostly just stuck with the status quo and never disagreed with Biden. Etc etc etc.
Fun fact - flies have taste buds on their feet. So when they land on your food they’re already tasting it.
My criteria is honestly trying to figure out if there is some sort of guiding principle behind their decisions or if there is any sort of consistency.
I am happy to see this, but also feel like they are unpredictable. Like they all just flip a coin or something.
Is Nicole into beans? Or beef stroganoff?
Manuals are a lot of fun to drive. Also, since a lot of people nowadays can’t drive manuals, it’s like having a ln anti theft device in your car.
I’d kill Harambe. Wait a second…
May God have mercy on your soul Welcome, friend!
My last boss sucked, so I was looking for a another job to go to to get away from him. I’ve been at this job for 24 years now.
No telemetry, allegedly.
Edit: There does still appear to be some, although it’s less than FF and it’s anonymized. I ended up going with Fennec just in case.
I’m giving Waterfox a test drive and like it so far. No issues.