I got my copy of Nero from limewire. It only took 3 full wipes of windows to find one that wasn’t a Trojan.
There’s an old Soviet joke; a man goes to the newspaper stand everyday picks up a paper reads the headlines on the front page and leaves. This happens for a few weeks then finally the salesman asks, “Comrade, why do you only read the front page?” The guy says, “I’m just looking for an obituary.” The salesman says, “Those are in the back of the newspaper.” “Not the one I’m looking for.”
Vim is bloat.
That’s why me and my homies use ed.
The funny thing about dinosaurs is, some of them evolved into something what that could withstand the climate. It’s just a matter of time before more alternatives come about. Some will be better, but my bet is the majority that people will flock to will have just as much censorship and they’ll just accept it. If you give people the illusion of freedom but restrict them they’ll have no idea.
What if they were fired but kept showing up and being paid, then you just keep moving their desk and taking their staplers? Then get a couple of Bob’s to interview the entire staff after a few years of that. Oh, and make sure that any birthdays that get celebrated they have to pass their piece of cake to the next person and don’t get any themselves. Eventually “fix” the accounting error and just let things work themselves out.
Give Songs of Syx a try. One guy, who developed the game in a shed in Poland so he could get away from his family. You can try the “demo” which is the full game just one version behind. Once he gets tired of developing it he said he’ll make it open source. Think dwarf fortress but you’re capable of having a population of thousands. Oh, and nevermind the race riots or cannibalism.
There used to be a saying on early image boards that have helped me more times than I can remember. “Lurk moar”, it has served me well. Even getting used to office culture. It helps to not make any faux pas that would make it harder to get along.
Do you think SCP-049 could “cure” SCP-3008? I can only imagine the types of experiments 049 would come up with in that venture…
Better hope that it’s Tony. Igor is much less “understanding.” At least Tony negotiates.
I recently flashed grapheneos because I didn’t like the way Google does things. But, my work requires me to be able to send messages to iPhone users. Ever since, I’ve been having issues receiving their texts. I can send them individually; but for the group chats, I’m not getting any of them. I really hate the idea of going back to a stock ROM, but I needs to get paid. Does eos support the new changes?
Just look up mutually assured mass destruction and you’ll understand.
Idiocracy. Great movie, it shows the decline of society due to the lack of education and increased birthrates of those who could not care less about anything but corporations. In one scene they go to Costco and the greeter says, “Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
The person who replied to my original post thought the movie promoted eugenics. I guess to a point, but it is more of a warning than a glorification.
Does it though? To me, it shows the horrors that it leads to. It does promote the idea that even the most average person can have ideas that can improve living conditions if given the chance.
“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
Fuck soft language. Let’s go back to calling PTSD shell shock.
Seriously, Musk is fit… Fit for a short tour of the inside of a whicker basket.
“Old charlie stole the handle, the train it won’t stop rolling and it won’t slow down.”