Their price seems cheap, but they slowly hike up the price over time. Their API is so bad that it’s a classic example of what a company doesn’t reinvent themselves and sit on their reputation and status quo.
Their price seems cheap, but they slowly hike up the price over time. Their API is so bad that it’s a classic example of what a company doesn’t reinvent themselves and sit on their reputation and status quo.
Even RAG is terrible at accuracy and avoiding hallucinations.
Well. Using feds for vandalization is not a scalable solution
Well… FDIC only insures $250k per deposit account. If shit really hits the fan, FDIC doesn’t have enough cash to bail out everybody. Guess who will lose most of their money proportionally to their total wealth? Hint: not rich people who diversified their wealth.
Ah yes the unmarked chip definitely works
People still use shitter. Because “all the people they know are there” and “they have porn”. I swear people will still browse Twitter on their bus to concentration camps.
Federal funding for space exploration?
SpaceX biggest competitor is NASA/JPL Musk guts NASA
But… why? They already launched 2, now adding a subscription to 1? Pure grifting. Before, publishers just bundled all the DLCs and called it GOTY edition or director’s cut or whatever, giving it a big discount. Now, they are charging a subscription for a 10-year-old game. Further more, it kinda feels like they give up on 2 completely, just like ksp2 :(
Why it sounds so familiar… oh yeah, when Elon took over Twitter, the same thing happened!
Being an influencer(or entertainer whatever) is like playing an incremental game. If you have 10 million fans and everyone pays you $1 you have 10 million dollars. The money is not about the art, it’s about how many people they can reach.
Depends on how pure you want it to be, without any side effects
Is there a project that acts like a registry? It can proxy the request with TTL, and you can push images to it too?
Screen is actually way more powerful than just opening a persistent session on the server side. It’s a terminal multiplexer, and you can use it to manage not only normal tty, but also USB serial! By replacing screen are you also going to recreate all the options like baud rate and /dev/ttyUSB0?
It’s a solved problem! Try https://containers.dev/
Artists can just clone the repo and open your project with a supported editor(like VSCode). Done. You can write a config that says what base OS, install packages, and install VSCode extensions (via VSCode workspace settings).
Many projects use this setup and it has been magical.
This image jump scared me.
Photopea was written by a single college grad, and it’s miles better than gimp. While gimp has more resources and manpowers. Something is seriously wrong with their team.
Lmao its apple map alright
I want a lightweight kiosk without any DE, and I think a cage would work just fine. Maybe I should use Sway to open a single maximum window instead? It seems more bloated than using xinit
with a Chromium window, which defeats the entire purpose…
We don’t need historians. We need people who are willing to risk their career to put up a fight. Documenting is just a word for being a bystander and let it happen.