This is guy who said “who knew health care could be so complicated?”. We’re still waiting on that health care plan, Donnie!
This is guy who said “who knew health care could be so complicated?”. We’re still waiting on that health care plan, Donnie!
But they keep taking land, don’t they?
I looked a few years ago when a friend of my partner got a Tesla a few years ago. Picking a color cost like €2000 or so.
Cheese is high in fat, making it a bad source of protein for most people. It’s delicious, but no very healthy.
It turns out that conservative people believe in specific people, not in ideology. So any claims about reasons for specific policies are basically just pretext.
BSD is freer for programmers (or frequently their corporate overlords), but not for people using the software.
Thank goodness we’re firing all those wasteful government bureaucrats, who were adding red tape and keeping businesses from innovating. Soon things will be great again, like in the 1850…
Maybe you don’t fill wine glasses all the way… 😉
Sarcasm is a type of irony.
I always look on itch.io and GoG first!
Yeah how’s being broadly appealing working out?
I don’t think that they were being ironic…
Yes the article says to leave your phone if you can, and to use a burner phone otherwise.
The text in the upper right says “The Prince of Orange did milk the cow” or something to that effect. I assume that’s the guy under the cow.
FWIW the Prince of Orange was the guy in charge in Holland, and I think that the guy riding the cow was the Spanish Emperor, which was either the ruler of the Netherlands or at war with them at the time of this political cartoon.
Simply not true. Many organizations gave warning before bombing.
The Israeli military does that now, for example.
Looking to history, the IRA usually gave warning when they planted a bomb.
$1 $2 per month is expensive? 🤣
[edit: I can’t do simple math]
The claim was “Email server owners don’t look at the content”. This is untrue since possibly the largest owner of email servers looks at the content to monetize the service. That’s all.
Yeah, the largest email company is probably Google (maybe Microsoft). Google definitely looks at every email they receive for users!
Debt is not a force of nature. Money is owed to someone.