This news site is for PC gaming and it always causes a ruckus when people read their articles and don’t know it.
This news site is for PC gaming and it always causes a ruckus when people read their articles and don’t know it.
One of the few news sites for PC gaming. The regular readers will probably not be primarily console gamers.
People are trigger happy with the indignation here.
K but do my thighs have to be facing diff directions like the trucks?
It’s hard to empathize because a tiny sect of people may have chosen not to vote for Joe Biden? Their votes certainly wouldn’t have impacted the election. They might as well protest vote. Do you think everybody who you decide made a misguided or stupid decision deserves massive consequences? Are we so retributive now that we can’t empathize with people because they didn’t fight against the consequences correctly beforehand?
The number of bad murderers changes tho
Cancelled prime and deleted my account a while back but for this occasion I’ll pressure extended family to join in a lil bit.
It happens. Just gotta grin and bury it.
Not sure why you feel like it comes from non-Americans. I’m not suggesting a riot or a strike. But for now protesting is relatively safe. The most dangerous thing I’ve seen are the people who will heckle protesters. Protesting will also help you make connections with other people which is incredibly important right now.
Fight for whatever you believe wherever you are and you are doing more than enough.
I’d just talk about political things. And talk about how I hope some political figures perish.
Of course that fuck isn’t a good seeder. Leech.
In spirit it’s a great idea but in practice it is nearly impossible to pull off and a fuckload of extra work for mods. Better to just curate your own feed. I’ve tried this and it might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I just log off socials when the shit gets overwhelming.
Never push people not to protest. It makes connections that are needed when shit gets bad. Friends networks and plans are the lifeline in these situations
Look dude. This internet convo is affecting my day so I’m gonna just put a cap on it sorry I’m not really responding to you. I’m just expressing frustration because I see a lot of “somebody do something” posts and I feel like everyone is a keyboard warrior these days and nobody shows up for protests or calls in or signs letters or goes to the zoom talks or anything. So many posts and precious little action and I’ve got lots of pent up frustration about the world and not enough outlets. That’s not anybody’s problem but mine and I shouldn’t be commenting about it. I actually don’t have any beef with you whether you’re doing anything or not. Sorry for wasting your time and I hope you have a good one.
That’s on me. I was being a dick too. Wanna answer me or just keep throwing shade?
Boy howdey that sure is vague. Where did I say I’m not a factor anyway?
I’m not attacking anyone and I’m not defending anyone. I’m asking what the fuck people who say I’m not doing enough are doing. I’m doing what I can to help with the symptoms of this and protect the vulnerable people I know of, but I don’t think there’s much I can do about the actual ongoing coup but goddamn it I’ll try. A lot of my good friends are being hurt by this situation already and I can’t do all that much about it myself. I see a lot of posts complaining that nobody is doing anything about the situation coming from people who aren’t doing anything about the situation and asking me to do more than I am about the situation. I want the people who complain to be putting in some legwork or else not bemoaning that nobody else is.
“Nobody is showing up to protests. Fucking liberals who think voting was enough.” Says the fella who has never been to a protest.
“Won’t somebody do something?” Begs the person who has never called their reps.
Etc… Insert your own example here.
All I’m saying is that there’s a lot of complaining where there could be calls to action by people who aren’t doing much themselves. It hurts to have someone ask “yeah but what are you doing?” When people want to vent but I think maybe people should have that question at top of mind even if it makes venting less effective.