I get some serious lower back pains when I wake up and then I let out a huge fart and the pain is gone. Gas pains are real.
I get some serious lower back pains when I wake up and then I let out a huge fart and the pain is gone. Gas pains are real.
Oh no, what are those kids going to do on the school issued Chromebooks.
Perhaps we should ask the Hong Kong citizens how to protest, they seem pretty successful, oh wait…
You really think a protest is going to work? I wouldn’t be surprised if we read about the military shooting protesters in the near future. It almost happened in his first term
So let’s play this out you go to a protest instead of you job. Then you get fired from your job, so now you have no health insurance for yourself or your children. The job market is shit right now, since we just had an influx of former government employees, so good luck on finding a new job. Going to work is protecting your children. It’s how the hyper capitalistic society works. I hate it and want out so bad, but it just keeps getting worse. Most Americans retirement is in 401k which is a horrible idea basing your retirement income on the stock market. We are just fucked.
Didn’t iRobot put out a DIY robot/vacuum that you could assemble how you wanted?
Don’t forget coxswain pronounced cocksun
If the movie Commando has taught me anything, it’s that a dead person covered to look like they are asleep, can make an 8 hour flight without notice.
I had a high school teacher who used to say there are two types of people those who have hemorrhoids and those who will get them. Take your time on the toilet.
I third this vote. Owner of a Framework 16. Amazing machines.
Same here, I had white boy dreads until one day you realize it looks better to cut it all off then trying to make it look like something it’s not.
In my area they have jeep clubs that support the local police. Every Jeep/ Dodge owner around here tries to be a bigger dick. https://www.phillyburbs.com/story/opinion/columns/2016/07/17/215-jeep-crew-shows-support/18142982007/
I also voted for him, mainly because he acted very progressive when he was the Lt. Governor and mayor of Braddock.
The corporations in the US have created a situation where people here can’t leave their jobs to protest else they will be fired. If you do not have a job, you do not have health care and most people in america don’t have FU money sitting around to support themselves if they get fired or quit.
Unfortunately this is why the capitalist oligarchs have insured we do not have universal healthcare. If we lose our job we lose our healthcare. So we can’t protest in fear of losing our lives.
Yeah many years ago some friends and I went to fly some trick kites at Gravelly point park and when the first plane came in we realized how close the kites were to the planes, so we packed up our stuff and started to leave, as we were doing that another couple came out with kites and started to unpack theirs. When we were driving away we saw several Park police surrounding that couple and interrogating them.
Reminds me of the time when I was living in Phoenix and picking up a friend from the bus station. The bus departures came in one big door and right next to the door was one of them new standing internet kiosks that allowed you to browse the internet. This was back in 2003. I was checking it out to see what you could do and where it allowed you to go, when my friends bus came in. I was on goatse.cx and saw my friend and left the kiosk open and we went to leave and noticed many older Hispanic folks freaking out, or laughing as they entered the bus station. The timer ran out on the internet access, but it was a lot of fun with open monitors in public.
Yeah he fooled many of us Penn residents. The media failed to report this. I’m looking at you John Oliver.