Probably just a buncha Klingons :>
Magats beget more Magats more often than not so they’re probably doing us a favor in the long run. And besides, do you wanna be the one to tell those parents how to raise their kids? I’m sure that’ll go over real well with them.
Let’s all just do as they say. Ya know, put our faith in the Lord’s hands and trust that he works in “mysterious” ways to fulfill his plan :>
So… How much GameStop stock are you still holding? 🤭
This guy is a bigger turd than Hillary.
Is this like some Family Circus humor I don’t get or what?
Love these! Reading the bit about Sierra gave me big nostalgia vibes.
Just a FYI, the turds at Longdue making “Hopetown” are suing Argo Tuulik one of the lead writers for the OG Disco Elysium in some lame effort to snuff out any competition from Argo’s own project.
Luckily the community has really rallied behind him so things are looking up. Still I wouldn’t give Longdue/Riaz Moola/Hopetown (ugh what kind of hack came up with that name?) any more positive press because they sure as hell don’t deserve it :o
Star Control 2 - it’s a mix of RPG storytelling with zany aliens mixed with Asteroids style PvP arcade gameplay. Like Ham and Cantaloupe, you think the combination wouldn’t work but it just somehow does. The writing and lore of the whole universe is just super rich and really immerses you into the whole universe.
Is this really considered news? Hearing about this guy or his has-been actress wife is only slightly less interesting than hearing about the next geriatric Paul Logan is planning to beat up.
For a Pulitzer prize winner to come up with “Bone Valley” as a title really makes you think 🤭
Buncha reddit cringe like:
“The narwhal bacons at midnight” “Owling”
I cannot abide that shit.
🚨🚨**TANKIE ALERT!!**🚨🚨
It’s actually more efficient if you put the tea in the water first before microwaving! Tea steeps while you’re waiting for the ding hehue :>
Software often loses its value compared with other newer better offerings that come out with time. I doubt very much anyone would pay $50 in 2025 for Heroes of Might and Magic 3, a very well regarded game released in 1999, that tons of people gladly paid the full $50 MSRP price for that year because it was cutting edge.
The game is still great even today. It hasn’t changed one bit but people aren’t going to be willing to pay the same price for it today that they were willing to back in 1999 because there are more competing options with newer tech/ideas that have released since then. However it is consistently one of the top sellers on Good Old Games at around a price point of $5 today
Brave is a shitty browser and anything related to it should be ignored.
Dear fucking God not Newsom. That dude is a bigger turd than Hillary.