Well, given you’re on a .ca instance, you’re likely Canadian, so $400 probably is 600 loonies.
Well, given you’re on a .ca instance, you’re likely Canadian, so $400 probably is 600 loonies.
Because it’s a false narrative, entry level steamdeck can be had for $399.
Uh, base Steamdeck is $399.
If a Nazi sits at a table with ten other people and everyone is talking cordially, you’ve got a table of 11 Nazis.
This mother fucker saw a Nazi and said “HEY BRO SIT OVER HERE.”
It’s not a joke.
I’m on-side with socialism - but to be fair, most of the real world examples that call/called themselves socialist do have a pretty bad track record of descending into totalitarianism/authoritarianism.
Totally agree, it’s a bit of a shit show to get running.
Good to know - will make sure I set that VM’s IP as static.
Seriously, those freeloading babies need to get a pair of bootstraps
Bog standard totalitarianism. Not socialism.
Is there actually anything to maintain with the mongoDB for ubiquiti network controller? I set it up using a script on a VM, adopted my APs, shut down the VM and promptly forgot about it. I still have the image to spin up whenever, but I was under the impression it wasn’t necessary.
What am I dual booting if I can’t use win10 because it’s not secure, and I’m not paying for win11?
Is that why the far right made such a stink about genital inspections and bathrooms?
…constantly discovering things that I can’t find…
Maybe I’m having a stroke…but…
You don’t speak for all leftists.
Signed, a leftist.
Trump said he’d make the courts partisan and he did exactly that. Now we have some of the most extreme right wing federal courts, and an extremist christofascist supreme court.
Alabama declared that IVF embryos are children. A federal court is arguing that FDA overstepped in approval of mifeprostone, an abortifacient and uterotonic medication that is considered essential to first world medical care. Roe v. Wade overturned. Gay marriage on the docket. Interracial marriage in their sights.
Do you really want to have Gilead at home?
What the fuck mate.
Trump literally just said “time to finish the problem” regarding the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.
I know it’s a shit choice, but it’s the choice between the status quo of global imperialism, or global imperialism AND domestic fascism.
I don’t want either of these things, but I really don’t want to get executed at home.
Right, that’s why you right wing lunatics referred to him as “God Emperor of the United States”
No, I think I’m far enough on the left to be aware of capitalist propaganda. In all fairness to you, my statement did not treat the subject with the appropriate nuance the subject should require.
The DDR was socialist. However, it was state socialism, which in my opinion is not ideal and not something we should strive to replicate. Yes, the means of production were “owned by the people,” but the state tasks itself with protecting the people. And therein lies the problem with state socialism - the state is easily commandeered by a corrupt minority who then uses the governmental apparatus to run an authoritarian regime. Precisely what happened in the DDR and the USSR.
We should be able to recognize the imperfections in prior socialist attempts, without immediately calling it “capitalist NGO propaganda.”
Even the DDR wasn’t doing socialism. The public had to be all-in the idea, or they were discredited or arrested. It was an authoritarian autocracy acting in the name of socialism.
Lol. Nice erasure of the existence of McCarthyism.
Communism pwnd itself bruh - shit sucked so hard they didn’t need Anti-Propaganda like:
Is This Tomorrow? America under communism!!
Shit was so bad, that the US didn’t need to run any covert operations to subvert, discredit, arrest, jail, or even, allegedly, assassinate the prominent figures and leaders of progressive, socialist, and communist movements – I mean, if they did, they certainly wouldn’t have called it COINTELPRO. It’d be a dumb name anyway.
If it’s wrong, then I want my money back. If they revoke the promise of returning what is due to me in retirement after years of paying into the system, then fuck them, I want it back. Every cent.