Thanks for the recommendation
Thanks for the recommendation
The personal is political
That’s the one store Alec of Technology Connections refers to…
What are the acronyms?
Damn we need open source redbull
College Board. Maker of the SAT
I’ve heard something about writers writing about guns – if you describe a specific gun they’ll come at you for being wrong, but if you say something like “a modified Kalashnikov” you’re conveying the image you want, and the nerds will do the work for you in figuring out how it could have been modified.
It’s a shortcut for measurements.
It’s easier to shop “Men’s L” or 32x32 pants than remember a lot of measurements.
I think it’s different if you want your clothes to fit a specific way, but for my shopping I want to minimize the time spent shopping and get “good enough”. That’s how we end up in minimal measurements.
I think ideally we’d have both sets: the minimal measurement and the maximalist ones for the same garment.
Well he is waging a war on artists like with taking control of the Kennedy center and oppressing trans folks (at the moment) so you could say he’s combatting media piracy by attacking the artists that make stuff you can share online.
Can it stream with the “cast” button in Spotify or other apps?
One theory I’ve heard here is that Patent law is the culprit in this case: Sonos has a patent they’re trolling and Google had to stop infringing by discontinuing new devices.
This is a screenshot from Half-Life: Black Mesa.
Here is the contemporary SNL parody, for the record XD
Disco inferno?
I get the joke but it’s not a funny joke. It’s just offensive to the gays and the womens.
Dude, relax. “Strength in numbers” “Strength in a Union” “Extra-Strength Tylenol” we are NOT giving the Fascists a monopoly on strength.
If anything, anti fascist philosophy is based on the idea that you need strength to counter the fascists.
(On the other hand doesn’t look like anti fascism is working at the moment, but if anything people need to be stronger in their opposition these days.)
It works well as a novelty - and when the AI is clearly credited in the song title, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouqk4MwqO8g (Boy’s a Liar Biden & Obama version). P.S. can you believe this is from 1 year ago and not like 5?
Also librewolf
Try to keep track of how much work you invest because it may be time-expensive to switch later on if you built a lot of stuff on their infra. Which is not the end of the world.