We don’t attack Russia because Putler is a tiny bitch that would choose to destroy the world over losing.
We don’t attack Russia because Putler is a tiny bitch that would choose to destroy the world over losing.
I use soap nuts for washing and vinegar as the softener. It comes out perfectly clean but has a neutral smell (which might smell weird when you first start doing this). I sometimes add a tiny bit of store bought softener to the vinegar for stuff like more expensive hoodies and tshirts.
The Magas
You can have wildlife proof bins.
“It’s bad for our products and for our European users. We will continue to work with the European Commission to help them understand our concerns on behalf of our users,” added Apple.
LOL. Europeans wanted this. Rivals just means third party apps. So people can actually do with their device what the hell they want to.
With a hidden rent fee.
Maybe he should immigrate to the US.
What about defects in the machine or car? Could that lead to people being struck by lightning coming from the box next to their automobil?
Lately the definition has become a bit blurred though. Like how some people only consider something “open source” if it also has a copyleft license.
What the hell are you on about?
PRs and issues are not a mandatory part of opensource.
You can literally bundle your code and serve it on some random page on a blog and it would be considered opensource.
A war on drugs never works.
When the USA left the Taliban in power, one of the conditions was to stop the opium production (which is used for heroin). They stopped most of it and suddenly 80% of the worldwide supply was gone. This made people look for alternatives and fentanyl filled the hole the USA created. It’s extremely potent because that makes it much easier to traffic.
The more illegal drugs are, the more dangerous they are.
Doesn’t most of the fenta come from China?
Is Trump going to war with China?
So if people can’t have dairy, they also wouldn’t choose vegan ice cream? That seems like a wrong statement.
There are many people who loved dairy icecream before going vegan, becoming lactose intolerant or even realizing they are lactose intolerant. Why would you not enjoy something that tastes 99% the same?
They’re very good.
Gr8 b8 m8.
Cream as in creamy.
Get over it.
I use Github Copilot. I like it a lot. What I don’t like is if it were forced right into my butthole.
They have some of the best vegan icecreams. I wish there were some good alternatives that I can get here.
A “low value man” is a man that tries to decide another ones value.