During Tuesday’s hearing, Gabbard told Warner that the Signal thread didn’t share any classified information but refused to share its contents, or even admit that she was on the chain.
“If it’s not classified, share the texts now,” Warner told Gabbard. “Share it with the committee. You can’t have it both ways. These are important jobs. This is our national security.”
Bitch, we can smell the bullshit 500 miles away.
Uh… No? I’m mad that Americans seem to be more mad that the mass murder is being done incompetently than about the mass murder itself. It’s like competent mass murder is acceptable but bad ospec is not.
Well now I’m mad that you seem to be more mad about how people on social media react to bad opsec than the mass murder itself. It’s like mass murder is acceptable but reacting the wrong way to bad opsec is not.
You’re being disingenuous and you know it. In the context of mass murder, bad opsec is a good thing and not something to be mad at to begin with.
In this context, bad opsec is hilarious.
In a dark comedy way.
I’m being facetious, a little satire, at your expense, because the call is coming from inside the house.
I think most people find this worth a laugh to cope with the horror of the reality, but you only seem to take this as a reason to be bad at liberals.
I suspect anything that fascists do is for you a reason to be mad at liberals.
To an extent yes, because who do you think let the fascists get in charge?
Obviously, first responsibility for fascists taking control goes to the fascists.
Next would be anyone who allies themselves with fascist or helps attack the opposition to fascists.
Next would be anybody complacent, who watched and did nothing.
Last would be the people who opposed the fascists.
Exactly. Now realize that the most credible threat to fascism is/was the left and see where that puts pro-establishment liberals.
It’s definitely not the left threatening fascists.
See again: weird left/MAGA alliance. Leftists and fascists united in their hate of liberals.
You’re the literal proof of this, you were more bothered with random liberals online than the fascists dripping bombs on Yemen.
I cannot fathom how you arrive at such a conclusion. Like, I figure you know not to trust the “news” anymore; but, dude, don’t trust the media?
I’m not sure why you’re assuming I’m MAGA (or even remotely rightwing), but either way I’m not getting this from the news or any other media; I’m arriving at this conclusion from the reactions of people right here on the Fediverse. Like seriously, compare the outrage at the leak to the outrage (or lack thereof) when Trump announced he was back to bombing Yemen. Everyone has been angrily criticizing the Trump admin for being incompetent and I’ve only seen one person say anything about how that’s better than if they were competently murdering people on the other side of the world.
I don’t see it. There’s some pretty big jumps to get from a to b.
What? That liberals basically don’t care Trump is bombing Yemenis?
Ah-ha, the goalposts move.
No. The incompetence of those responsible is irrelevant.
I’m done, anyway…