No, I don’t think it’s exaggerated.
Have you ever unplugged? If not, you simply have no possible frame of reference; you really want to find your answer, that’s how.
No, I don’t think it’s exaggerated.
Have you ever unplugged? If not, you simply have no possible frame of reference; you really want to find your answer, that’s how.
Ah-ha, the goalposts move.
No. The incompetence of those responsible is irrelevant.
I’m done, anyway…
I don’t see it. There’s some pretty big jumps to get from a to b.
I cannot fathom how you arrive at such a conclusion. Like, I figure you know not to trust the “news” anymore; but, dude, don’t trust the media?
Screeching? Ummm…you mad bro???
Umm. What? No. Seriously. Wtf mate?!?
I think mass murder is despicable. Considering the US government had engaged in large scale extra judicial killings for decades (whether red or blue, no fucking difference), my country disgusts me. But, are you legit saying doing so incompentently is the problem? Not the murder. The incompetence.
Touch grass, god damn weirdo.
Eh, I think it’s much more an issue of the use of the word “Islamaphobia” being missed after how “antisemitism” is used to shut down discussion or criticism. But to do you. Or whatever, I don’t fucking care
If but perfect you mean perfectly exploitative, sure. The walled garden issue has nothing to do with ease of use my friend; in fact, the whole point is to do the opposite - make anything outside the wall impossibly hard to access or use.
Ummm, the longer your posts get, the more you make a for feel like you’re getting paid dude. Wow.
The problem is simple. We’ll never actually know. And, for all your very eloquent arguments, the fuckwits at the top are kinda, well, fucking idiots, so no, the fact she isn’t a very logical target does not provide a convincing argument against foul play. In fact, the painted turd pretending to run the show clearly has a revenge fetish.
That said, the real tragedy is how any family and friends surviving her have to watch her death get instantly politicized.
You could not possibly sound more like a shill if you tried.
“complete the police state”? Buddy, modern policing was invented here. America is the original police state.
Really? Intent matters?? Bull.
If you ever opened your eyes and examined results, well…you might have something useful to say. Probably not, but maybe.
Oh, I wasn’t thinking they’d deputize a Marshall. Not that it makes any difference, though. Anybody with training sufficient for the job is probably a fucking pig Nazi anyway
They do have the power to deputize enforcement…but they won’t
They’re telegraphing their next move. As well as know, when they run out of immigrants, all minorities will be open season.
I believe the quote from the warden was “none of them will ever go back to their communities”.
So, yeah. Shits fucked.
Oh, he would neve- oh, wait, fuck that, he’s pulled this dozens of times. So, you’re absolutely right, of course.
If he just wanted to destroy the US, he’d be more subtle about it.
(Emphasis mine)
Like hell! That fucker is literally incapable of being subtle!!
No. Fuck no, in fact. He’s not calling the shots. Whether he’s suffering from dementia or not, he’s a fucking idiot. His craven levels of stupidity also happen to reinforce his malignant narcissism, but that’s a whole other thing.
No, he’s intentionally not being subtle to run our faces in it, even though it’s extremely doubtful he even understands that there’s a master plan. In fact, he’s probably at least dimly aware that Daddy Putin has a plan, but he doesn’t care cause now he gets to be king.
Point is, he’s both malicious and dumber than a bag of rocks.
Oh, it’s very logical; but the goal absolutely is to reduce voter turnout even further (and our turnout is disturbingly bad already). But honestly, you ought to spend some time looking into ways of disenfranchising voters. You really might be surprised how devious they tactics have become. Just saying