Edit: Even MBFC rates dropsitenews as a reliable source https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/drop-site-news-bias-and-credibility/
There is no rule about ‘blog sites’ on worldnews. Jordanlund has made this up and proceeds to classify anything he does not like as a 'blog '.
Beyond the publicly known political preference of the mod, I think it’s strange that a community on a social media site built on activitypub would have a blanked policy against the posting of other self-published news sources, irrespective of the authors and journalists and their proven reputation.
That said, my take on lemmy moderation has always been JDS, or ‘just decentralize, stupid’. We’re not reddit, and we don’t want to be like reddit, so we shouldn’t be going out of our way to centralize communities or complain when we don’t like the moderation choices or rules of a community we think ought to be managed differently.