Melbourne area
Cloudy. High chance of showers about the Dandenongs, medium chance elsewhere. Winds southwesterly 30 to 45 km/h.
Min 11 Max 18
Shower or two. Becoming windy. Possible rainfall: 0 to 2 mm Chance of any rain: 60%
Fire Danger - High
Sun protection recommended from 9:10 am to 5:30 pm, UV Index predicted to reach 11 [Extreme]
my sweet boi
Curled up against my partner’s butt, so I went and gave him so cuddles and kisses. I love this cat so so much!
Lean-to done! (almost)
Basically it’s stopping a stairwell from being inundated when it shits down as it flooded last time. Seemed to work 100% last night not a drop went down.
That looks great.
Mildly envious of downstairs room/cellar
Is it moveable?
Because how do people walk down the stairs?
You’d have to be 7ft to hit your head :)
It all the stair well covered?
Neighbor gifted a mini gingerbread house ☺️
Fourth time’s lucky - I finally sold my tent! This is the fourth offer I’ve accepted, the others all ghosted at some point between making the offer and actually picking up. This sale was true to form for sales that actually get followed through, being quick and easy. My tent is going to be heading off to Pambula for the holidays, lucky fella.
You will all be pleased to know I did have my caves spelunked today after last week’s false start, and it went well. :)
Into the depths they went, and returned well from the abyss you have 😙👌🏼🍑
Not every man that has ventured down there has returned… At night (and sometimes after eating beans) they say you can still hear their screams… 👻
Sometimes we can hear the screams from here … 💨💨💨
Echoing throughout those dark, dark halls
Many sink down to the underworld, few return to the sunlit lands.
I gotta ask - why would anyone buy Foxtel. Let alone for 3.4 billion?
Don’t no don’t care. It’s a dying business. But pour one out for foxtels diminishing influence in Australia
Exactly why I wonder why anyone would pay so much for it. And that Fox/Murdoch make out like bandits…again.
But the sooner it dies, the better.
The company the purchased it made its billions of dollars from betting on sports, (or facilitating people who can’t do maths betting on sports).
In-Game Betting is currently illegal in Australia: our Sportsman’s aren’t known for their integrity.
Dealing with the in-laws tomorrow. Fortunately it’s only for a couple of days but gotta be honest I’ve lost a ton of respect for everyone involved in this shit show. I’ll smile and be polite but this is gonna be the last time I go over for a while. Really disappointing cause we all had a great relationship before this, but everyone put their own wants first and no one took accountability so…. Is what it is.
Actually I should say: except my mother in law. She’s a freaking delight and I mean that seriously.
Heater on. Long cardigan on. Cosy old man slippers on (with socks). Love Melbourne weather.
Now I’m ready to ice 4 batches of gingerbread and help my kid build a gingerbread house.
What??? Heater on??? I have the front door open. Have fun with the kid making the gingerbread house.
Corduroy. Very stylish 👍
Same here, it was about 11° when I got up this morning. Mr P gets the shudders if it’s cold and his joints play up.
Oh man, I really didn’t intend to pull a 12 hr day but that last min site visit really threw me off. However I’m pleased to say I’ve covered almost all of my responsibilities up to Jan 6 so I should be on track to leave work after lunch tomorrow. And then push on with the much needed cooking, cleaning, etc.
The train ride to the 'Rat should be relaxing, at least… hard to imagine 33C after today’s polar blast.
The end is SO CLOSE!!
So cool. 🙂
So many people at the supermarket just now 🤯
That was not the right time to go.
No point today was any better trust me.
I went earlier. Was also not the right time, if that’s any consolation.
I feel it’s like it’s going to be busy for the next week because everyone’s trying to do Xmas meals and the shopping for new years celebrations.
Yep, I thought that maybe late in the day would be ok. I was very wrong.
Also I had to go to the greengrocer and two supermarkets to find any eggs. The pav nearly became a trifle.
I got my old Nintendo DSs out. I have 3 of them. And all my games.
The DS was an absolute gem of a device.
I’m currently playing Animal crossing on the Switch.
My Xmas tree!
My animal crossing Xmas tree.
All 3 of us used to play Animal Crossing together and I’d go into the kids world? and shake all trees and pilfer what I could. 😂
Haha I’m shaking trees at the moment to get the baubles to make Christmas themed items.
Ahh, my old DS broke. (Like 10 year plus old)
I had Animal Crossing, some game about befriending cats, and Spore
My son acquired a DS a few weeks ago. He loves it but the games can be hard to get. And it was his birthday last week so we’ve worked out we have a DS, wii and a switch, and a PS 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I’m being swallowed by gaming systems.
You can get a special cartridge for the ds that allows you to download games to it.
This one. Then you can basically google “ds roms download” and go from there.
The wii, ps1, ps2 and ps3 can all be hacked also lol
My husband used to put hundreds of games on them for friends and family
Same lol I was the “hack shit for people” guy.
Oh you should have just seen his eyes light up!
If you need any help with this stuff, shoot me a message :) I love hacking consoles.
The wii is really, really easy. Just a usb stick.
Thankyou, we will take you up on that when life settles down a bit!
No worries at all :)
I got one of these from Caribbean Market as a child and it doesn’t work anymore. Maybe it’s time for another one
40 bucks from Amazon is pretty decent. They used to be a nightmare to find.
The switch has one as well
Oh yeah.
My son still misses his 3DS which a very small Miniest poured milk all over. Would replace it if I could. Beats the heck out of the modern day switch device imho.
What a throwback! I sold my DS for the DSi but I wish I kept the DS!
I think I’m sleeping away the illness. Just woke up and still tired.
Relatively severe weather down here last night. Got about 35mm.
Second time in 3 months it’s hit exactly where my place is. First one was 65mm in an hour and the gutters shat themselves. It very rarely rains like that here let alone twice like that so close together.
Will have to jump up today and do the gutters (again).
I’m just getting lots of short showers here. Absolutely perfect for the garden. I don’t have anything much get into the gutters these days, there used to be a tree against the house that would drop lots of stuff but that died a few years ago and keeping the gutters clear has been simple since then.
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Good eye! :)
Old man brought back a few 'puters from his old rooms so slowly going through all the things I need to back up. In that profession, their file management is atrocious it’s taking forever. Throwing 10 on all of them eventually. Idea is to delegate a bit of audio processing in the studio to them away from the main rig.
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A proper creme brulee is yum! The toffee-like stuff on top contrasts so nicely with the creaminess of the actual dessert. Hope they put some fruit with it for extra tang. The supermarket tubs are just yuk imo. Nothing like crunchy enough.
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Oooh fancy!
Ended up sleeping 12 hours and woke up at 2pm.
Feeling heaps better now. Not going to stay up too late but glad it doesn’t appear to be covid.
Unfortunately the people I was going to spend Xmas with have gastro so that’s not happening. There’s an Orphans Xmas thing at a place in the city that looks interesting.