• 37 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Melbcat’s meds schedule has temporarily changed to 3 times a day 😪 Edit: Wait, if I want to keep her blood pressure meds at the normal time (which I should) it might be 4 times.

    Unrelated I conked out waiting for the kettle to boil… woke up really dehydrated with my last brick of soy milk sitting lukewarm on the bench. D’oh.

    I also missed the fortnightly recycling collection. Fell out of the groove where the bin being full lined up with the day. Still a week to go… eh… it’s fine. To make some room I’ll pull the larger bottles out to wash and cut down into extra pots.

  • A nap went awry and I woke up at 8pm to do cat meds. 😴🥱

    Melbcat went to the vet yesterday and is back on antibiotics because she has another uti starting.

    Only light work in the garden was done, water and a spray. I managed to enlarge the drilled holes on the bottom of the bin with an old pair of scissors (the lid can be finished later).

    The pumpkins are starting to bud female flowers and I saw a bee visiting the existing male ones. I pulled out the dead 3 zucchini and spared the raggedy final one because it’s still making new growth and trying to flower.

    Still pushed myself too hard. I’m now slowly trying to rehydrate because I didn’t drink much yesterday. I had no energy left and kept going back to sleep.

    Edit: Melbcat has her cheek on the hot water bottle I made for her tummy… I’m wondering if she’s got a sore tooth or mouth

  • Yeah, I’m still in pain and keep tipping back into dehydration so nothing got done today and I spent it sleeping. Hate how this is so chronic and keeps relapsing. I just want to be doing stuff and living my life.

    I should be learning about drawing and colour mixing but I can’t. There’s so much to doing art ‘right’ that I’m not really able to take in right now. Major analysis paralysis and lack of focus.

    I’m wondering if I should just take the random tertiary colours and paint the crappiest still life ever just to get a feel for the process (and use these tubes up). But I can’t seem to make myself. Even the drawing step stalls. Drawing boxes and shapes is not really making sense to me because I spent so long untrained and just drawing contours by eye. Teaching yourself fundamentals later in life is hard.

    Art is probably not the hobby to be attempting when lacking energy and feeling low. Whether you make something bad or just don’t do anything it’s easy to feel like a failure either way.

  • Yikes, definitely hot wash/dry clean/tumble dry everything cloth if you can as they make a meal out of your natural fibre clothes. It’s not a bad idea to bag the clean stuff until they’re gone.

    If you ever get desperate there is Frontline spray which contains fipronil and is cat safe. The downside is a tiny spritz bottle is so expensive. It also kills bees so there’s probably some precautions to take.