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savour that strawb experience. Strawberries seem to be a high value target for every single bird in the neighbourhood so protect the crop
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Homegrown strawbs are the BEST! More to come I hope.
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Home grown strawberries are the best! So sweet! I hope there are lots more to come on your plant, keep the water up to it and it’ll keep producing
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They’ll keep coming, I’ve been picking a handful a day. They don’t make it inside 😋
Wow, congratulations!! I have the shittiest luck with strawberries - wilting, mildew, not to mention slugs AND birds - so that is a very rewarding outcome for someone who was so nervous about growing plants :)
Hope you feel inspired to continue on your horticultural journey :D
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Think I might break out the beach tent thing today when we go.
The one that takes 30 seconds to unfold and 30 minutes of headscratching to try and fold it back up.
You know, I don’t see many “don’t forget to water your plants” posts… just saying.
Too late she cried as she waved her wooden leg. Watering first thing in the morning, fine. Right now, will cook the plants if it does get to 38. Better to cover plants with light cloth or shade mesh and water this evening. Bird/wildlife water - yes this is needed.
It’s getting a bit late, you might boil them. Wait until evening. Also bowl of water for wildlife 😺
I’ve just watered my outdoor pot plants - was that a bad idea? I thought they could use a drink before all the heat
Apparently, the idea that water on the leaves would refract the sun’s rays and scorch the leaves is a horticultural myth (many other sources) because the sun will evaporate the water too quickly for such an effect on the leaves.
Still not the greatest idea in that it’s not a very efficient use of water, but if your plants are struggling and haven’t been watered in the last 12 hours, better to give them some water than let them dry out and die!
I have…serious doubts there because i’ve literally seen scald happen in real time
Oops nope, it’s talking uk conditions. We Are Not The Same
Sarcastic/aggro tone not called for dude. If you google “water drops leaf scorch” or any other such combination you can get plenty more sources outside the UK including actual research into the premise. Whether scorching happens isn’t because of the heat (if anything the water is likely to dry up faster at higher temperatures), it’s due to the shape of the droplet forming on the leaf (and obviously assuming the water isn’t high in salt or other compound).
Sure, it sometimes can be a problem on a few plants where the water sits on the leaf in full sun in a puddle long enough for that effect to happen, such as succulents.
But for the average person just wanting to water their average plants, where the process of watering is likely to leave only droplets and they have petioles down which the water can roll off? No. And between “oops I forgot to water my plants so I’ll just let them desiccate even more” vs “oops I forgot to water my plants so I’d better give them SOME water now rather than let them curl up and die”, I would really rather people do the second than the first.
I haven’t got academic journal access any more to find the actual papers researching it. But here is a decent summary of several answers in one place. (and here you can find a long argument in the comments involving the author of that last paper from Hungary about whether hairy leaves actually do get leaf scorch more)
No sarcasm or aggravation actually invoked, but very tempted after you come at me like that.
Thanks for the info! I checked just now and they’re doing fine, and I’ll water them earlier/later next time
Don’t forget to put out water for any passing fairies because they feel the heat too 🧚♂️
just put fresh water in and will check every 4 hours or so to top up
Just up to knee height cos they like a little wade in the dog bowl and if they get their wings wet they can get into trouble.
also it’s midsumma, so all the fairies are out and about.
I’m not a massive (or even quite large) gamer, but bought a playstation portal on a whim yesterday. I wake up a lot, lot earlier than my wife: sitting in bed playing something stupid and listening to her sleep might be my new favourite thing.
Ok it’s a bit warm now. Commencing atmospheric cooling procedure.
faster plz
That’s what she said…
-Scott, Gretzky, et al…
We’re back to a prediction of 38 deg today. Light winds only. Cool change overnight. Enjoy this morning’s coolth while we can.
Anyone brave enough to attempt Pride : water, brolly, water, sunscreen, water, and water!
Well the cat had had Gabapentin and is now officially high 🤣 Poor thing. It is funny thought.
Naw. Poor stoned kitty.
She’s going for a blood test tomorrow so it’s vets orders. She’s currently sitting on a towel waiting for me to drag her around the house lol
The things we do for our tiny furry overlords.
Wee, slide rides!
Mine had his as an after not a before thing. Hung out of his tower like a Dali clock. We followed the instructions to halve it.
just poured vietnamese coffee into the ice lolly maker. should be ready by mid afternoon.
I bought silicone ice lolly tubes that make little 40ml calippo shaped ices. I put a lime jelly / strawberry protein powder mix in them (because I had it on hand) and it turned out great.
I miss my Frostiecup
i wasn’t hot all day long, didn’t even have the fan on
but now that the humidity rolls in i finally feel hotto bed i go
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Bad day to be fluffy
My silly black cat has declared today is an outdoor day. I check her very frequently, pet door is open and she’s hanging around in the shade outside. Bloody weirdo.
I don’t feel optimal. I’ve felt a lot worse but this… this is also not ideal.
Wow, that was a big sleep in for me!
Just got back to my place after a day and a half with my parents split system and it’s SO GROSS in here. Stripped, AC and fan on. Think I’ll sleep with everything going tonight!
Never ever get a west facing apartment with no obstructions to block the afternoon sun.
I keep seeing all these inspiring reddit posts by people who lost weight by stopping smoking by no coca cola , by exercising, by eating good food
I have no bad habits to break and am still overweight,
maybe I eat too much healthy food.
Count your calories for a month?
Less carbs. More protein.
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Limited supply due to weight loss without tears dieters - so limited that people who need it for diabetes and/or other life saving purposes CAN’T GET IT.
@Thornburywitch @wscholermann there are several other GLP-1 agonists available. They are just as effective for weight loss and actually work better for some people. Chemists are generally only filling ozempic scripts if they are not being prescribed off-label, at least until the shortage eases. There are also compounding pharmacies that can create bioidentical product during the shortage, but Novo don’t like them.
The GLP-1 agonists are also proving very effective at helping people quit smoking, alcohol, and a whole range of addictions. They are truly an amazing class of drug and generics will be available in upcoming years, which will make them much more affordable.
I’ve been having a break from alcohol for a bit (~2.5 months so far), and haven’t even lost a pound. I’m so disappointed. Might have made up for it with alcohol-free beer & cider and extra timtams though, I guess
There really ought to be a website/app dedicated to recognising what exactly IS the healthy weight for a given age, height, bone structure and reproductive history. My suspicion is that the range of ‘healthy’ weight is really quite wide, a lot wider than the diet industry would have us believe.
My theory is that if one’s organs are working fine, bone structure is fine, and you’re not limited in your activity level, then you’re healthy.deleted by creator
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Took advantage of the coolth to do some much overdue leaf raking. Green bin is nicely filled for next pickup.
Now for a relaxing day after all the running around yesterday.Also filled the green bin and feeling very accomplished. I did a heap of gardening last week so there was a green-bin backlog. Now to tackle the oven… ergh
Not even thinking about the oven but one load of washing is on the line and a second lot’s in as we speak.
Perfect drying weather! And my takeaway tip about ovens is ‘clean them more often than every few years’, lol