Given how little I need I might just get one of those little snap tray roo mince “mice” . Thanks
Given how little I need I might just get one of those little snap tray roo mince “mice” . Thanks
Woot and assorted other silly noises!
Eeeeeeee! Yuck spoiler that nastiness please 😝
Yay! I have a bone shape cutter already.
I can’t cook an upvote. Doggo needs biscuits since his human declines other recompense.
Ah. Not my flag, but we never thought that 😺
Meat meat meat meat and some potat please
It is. You should check your gut for other weirdnesses.
The infamous one I know is rather nice if you can ignore that bit
Favourite dog treat recipes please. Biscuit type.
You make it sound like throwing you in the trough at the Laird would be welcome
Overthebackfence has some entertaining lemon printed knickers
I fail to see the problem here
Considering the possibility my neighbour (not that one) is a Mech warrior. Their staircase tread is quite something. Feeling like i’m not spending enough time with the cats, we seem to distribute ourselves around this house very differently
I am convinced the tram timetable on this route is entirely fictitious
I got it dropped on the street by somebody, but it’s a brand that doesn’t do prices, so yeah…
My silk/cashmere shawl !!! 😾
Ozito is rubbish, but fine for occasional household use. Bits and batteries are where the real money adds up. Boyo has Pro level gear but still covets the variety of bits that came with my now 20yo GMC set.
Decided I wanted popcorn for breakfast, because adults can do that. Burnt it, and fused a not-so-heatproof mat to the bottom of the pot. Thankfully this turned into easily peelable plastic because #NotTheLeCreuset!
Hello 2am, could we not? What’s with the chicken dick, did I miss something?