Got a call from my new boss about starting next week.
Come in whenever on Monday, we’ll get a coffee, set up your equipment and go from there.
If you want to work from home the rest of the week that’s cool.
Butterflies officially gone
and good luck 🙂
X-Files series 1 episode 1. The young detectives meeting for the first time🥰in the basement 🥴
Scully’s shoulder pads 🤣
I also find it a bit weird in the early episodes they are still using land lines.
Counterpoint: Mulder’s hair. Like a proto Chris Isaak. Dreamy.
Got an email from the new place with some meeting invites. I was paranoid for some reason they changed their mind, but we’re all good!
Looking forward to a week off between jobs. Truth be told I zoned out of this job 4 weeks ago.
Mate, you zoned out on that job a few months ago.
You know what, 100%
The second they denied my raise I was out.
The ears 😂
i’m not mad… I’m impressed.
But being brutally honest you should be buying 1 ply.
You’re not wrong actually.
2 x rolls of this is about 6 weeks worth of play time.
it’s such simple pure joy 🙂
Stayed up late having a great chat with some mates on discord. We’re all facing pros and woes in our lives. It was great to talk it out with some peers.
Huh, seems like today’s the day for feeling an unspecified sense of unease. Bad memories keep floating up today. Angry at traffic. Constantly feeling anxious about my bladder. Had to use my own work phone rather than shared device for work fieldwork today and its battery life is getting from bad to worse. Even the battery pack isn’t saving it. Sitting in the car waiting for it to get to at least 10%… shame, I had hoped to power on through and finish this entire section today (and throw the shit part - and only the shit part - to someone else 😬)
One thing I can tell you is that it helps just to accept the traffic for what it is and not get angry at it.
I often just take a big sigh in the afternoons and tell myself that the traffic is there and there’s no point getting angry at it but it does help to have radio shows on at the time that I like to listen to.
Bugger about the phone though :(
I’ve definitely had to exercise a lot of patience and calm on the Monash (which I normally avoid like the plague). Today I just felt really short with people going too slow in a way that was impossible to get around easily. But it’s much much easier in the Nice Work Car which has dynamic cruise control and all the things to warn you of other cars doing silly things
I have a sleep study booked!! Low key hoping they find something - I know I snore bad. But they have given me basically no info except to turn up prepared to stay the night at hospital. Anyone got any tips?
Expect a shitty interrupted sleep – unfamiliar bed and environment, probably not totally quiet or totally dark, nurse may need to wake you to reattach sensors that have fallen off, etc. It’s not necessary to sleep straight through to get good results though; wish I knew beforehand.
Expect to be grumpy and tired the day after, and travel home with gross electrode gel in your hair.
I’d probably bring my own pillow(s) next time.
Edit: Also I had to go to bed way earlier than I typically would so anticipate that as well.
Cool. Thanks. Luckily sleeping is my superpower (possibly long undiagnosed sleep apnea thing there) so I am hoping I will be able to sleep. But yeah I might clear my next mortar work just in case. Thanks! And good tip about the pillow
I’ve got a referal for one. Did it take you a long time to book it in?
No. Referral went in a few weeks ago. Got acknowledgement of referral pretty quick then phone call yesterday and booking next week. I was expecting it to take longer. Western health group.
Had strange dreams about old "friends"
The two guys I thought were my friends too, were just my ex’s friends. Believed I was transphobic and whatnot. Took her word over mine. It’s sad, one of them taught me how to build a PC, and the other him and I got along so well. I’m sad about what I lost because of my liar ex. It doesn’t help when I try to console myself that those two were never really my friends, because then it all feels like a lie.
And another friend, my ex and I met him when we played Destiny and Destiny 2. He and I had a shared love for Blind Guardian and power metal, we could chat about anything. I thought he was awesome! But as soon as I broke up with my ex, this friend tried to date me. A betrayal of sorts. What I thought was platonic, and I was even planning on going to Adelaide to hang out with him, was another lie.
He ghosted me when I said I was dating my now partner.
I guess I’m just feeling a sense of loss. It’s okay to lose friends, it’s just part of life. But it’s sad I lost people I trusted, and who I thought liked me for me. Who I thought would believe me, or wanted a platonic friendship.
Ah well, I like the friends I have now better anyway. They’re funny and make me laugh, different life experiences, unconnected to my past, and I love them and love talking to them. I hope I am someone they enjoy talking to as well!
It’s cooled down enough to go back to the blanket I’ve been slowly crocheting. 8ply wool is not ideal for summer.
It’s going to be a bumpy night !
Woke up terrified. Bodes well for the day
really hard to shake that mentality when you wake up with it. Extra special self care today. Buy that expensive coffee, put a nice cupcake with it.
I feel really tired, everything is over stimulating me today like I’m having sensory overload, hate this feeling.
Also body feeling hurty so that’s not helping.
no hugs
just the most gentle music in the world
Thank you!
Ugh ugh ugh ugh. Hate that. Haircut tomorrow at least (long overdue) so i won’t keep feeing my fucking hair
I need a haircut too, maybe that’s a next week job.
I’m feeling like that today, too :-(
Wishing calming vibes for us both
Quick hack if you’re caught in a flight or fight loop: tense every muscle in your body, all of it, hard as you can, really fucking go for it. You should be shaking from the effort. Hold for about ten seconds and then release
Your body basically just thinks it completed the fight or flight sequence and is out of danger.
Will try that, ta
Good tip, thank you!
Oh interesting. Will try it out.
I am here and am stuffed
it took from 9am to 7.30 to move the stuff, 3 guys
Welcome home 😊 that’s a big effort.
thank you 🙂
i see it as transitional and transformative 😐
Well done! Hope you get settled in well
Thank you. i hope so too 🫠
I am convinced the tram timetable on this route is entirely fictitious
The timetable is FINE. Timed to the minute. The problem is all those pesky travellers who keep delaying trams by getting on and off which stops the driver keeping to the schedule.
Public transport would be great, if it wasn’t for the dang PUBLIC!
My thoughts entirely!
For some reason had a dream about a Dos video game and now I’m in a nostalgia hole lol
2nd last day today. Bit sad but also relived. Once I found out another one of my clients was leaving that sealed the deal. I would absolutely have been blamed for that.
Fuck em.
It’s bad enough I had to organise my own going away lunch.
Cosmos cosmic adventure? Jazz jackrabbit? Commander Keen 4?
Monster bash!
oh my god thats a throwback! havnt thought of that one in a very long time.
There’s a torrent im grabbing that should have all the old classics.
I’ve never played more than the shareware version of all the classics.
Really want to finish commander keen.
I had to organise my own going away lunch
Shouldn’t laugh but ouch. Fuck em all lol
Seriously lol
At the new job I won’t be going “above and beyond”. They get what they pay for.
Which one?
Monster bash lol
I haven’t heard of that one!
bad sleep, woke up crying about the war in america, it’s hotting up 😿
but then for about the fifth day in a row i had that humperdink song in my head , c’an’t take my eyes off you’
I maybe to blame for the Engelbert earworm but I swear I’m not responsible for the American shit.
everyone I know did their best to stop this from coming 😿
I blame the press for being stupid cunts and not knowing what the important stories are, they just ran with smut for the money
elections need good info
Press have a lot to answer for!