• @imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
    116 days ago

    Have sad.

    Cleaned my little balcony/sunroom and moved the plants around. That was a good job. I am hoping that I will medidate more now that space feels less run down . . But am so tired lately I just can’t get through my basic chores. And have bad anxiety about work this week (just overloaded for reasons beyond anyone’s control).

    Gaaah. Just needed to vent.

  • PeelerSheila
    96 days ago

    Goodnight all. Glad to see the arse end of this weekend tbh. Such awesome weather and I still felt like it was one step forward and two back in my pursuit of domestic glory lol. At least I got most of the laundry done I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ Catchya on the flipside 🤙🏼

    • @Eagle@aussie.zone
      26 days ago

      Domestic glory be dammed… I spent the whole weekend avoiding all domestic chores and traipsed the city eating and shopping instead. I’ll pay for it later in the week, and had to scrounge through the unfolded laundry for work and school uniforms, and the house looks like a bomb hit it.

      • PeelerSheila
        26 days ago

        I like your style Eagle! In fairness to myself, I could spend the entire weekend cleaning and the place would still look like we’d been robbed 😆

        • @Eagle@aussie.zone
          26 days ago

          Oh mine does too! Too many people and too much stuff. And pets! And the housework will always be there!

        • @Duenan@aussie.zone
          26 days ago

          Nah, I didn’t tip them sadly. Might need some evaluating in the future though if they can do it again.

          Season is a bit weird, some teams having odd crappy weeks of play already.

    • Rusty Raven M
      127 days ago

      I tried that. The trial separation turned into divorce. Alcohol and I bump into each other occassionally at parties and have stilted polite conversations, but we are no longer in a relationship. 10/10 Highly recommended.

      • PeelerSheila
        56 days ago

        It’s too damned expensive anyway. I’d love a drink, but I like not spending the money on it even more.

  • stress and optimism

    Have been waking up at 4am almost every night over the past few weeks. Probably stressed about all the undone things, and the uncertainty of the future. I can manage this by breaking tasks down even further. Having 100s of pages of readings to do and five 2k word assignments is a recipe for overwhelm.

    Tomorrow, I will be looking at my calendar and prioritising stuff. Also setting achievable tasks for the week. This is my time to prove to myself that I CAN do time management.

    Also mindfulness. That involves listening to music, playing music, and engaging my senses.

    Had a big cry today, which I hope will be the culmination of the rude night time awakenings. I’ve cried 19 times YTD, compared to 38 times last year and 25 times in 2023. I am SO glad I no longer have Wrong Relationship-itis.

    Peace ✌️

  • @Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    76 days ago

    I gave 100 bucks of frozen steaks and chicken and an unopened huge bag of japanese rice to the nice neighbours 🙂

  • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
    76 days ago

    I’m over my uni fieldwork for sure (it’s such a long drive just to get to the start of this second section…) but what I do love is that it’s a good few hours off my device; and these past two nights I’ve been meeting my old school friend visiting from overseas, which has been a really really good balm for my soul…

    …my lack of hydration earlier in the day is definitely catching up with me though. Owwww headache owwww… back out in the field for work tomorrow so I need an early night…

  • Rusty Raven M
    107 days ago

    I’ve done too much doom scrolling this morning. Now that my morning coffee is kicking in I think it’s time to switch to my book. It’s one of the old fashioned paper varieties, and although the content is interesting having to constantly hold it open is tedious, the screen resolution is not that great and there is no ability to change the font size in settings.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    7 days ago

    Alrighty, gonna finish this coffee then vacc the back bedroom and living room, and go over the hallway again.

    $32 vacc is getting used and abused today!

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        47 days ago

        I’ve been sucking up bastard cocoons and unlucky moths haha!

        Gotta wait for mein liebe to wake up so he can help me move the couch and I can get under there too lol.

        I wish my big fat 2nd hand Dyson didn’t die, but here we are

  • @melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    6 days ago

    Yeah, I’m still in pain and keep tipping back into dehydration so nothing got done today and I spent it sleeping. Hate how this is so chronic and keeps relapsing. I just want to be doing stuff and living my life.

    I should be learning about drawing and colour mixing but I can’t. There’s so much to doing art ‘right’ that I’m not really able to take in right now. Major analysis paralysis and lack of focus.

    I’m wondering if I should just take the random tertiary colours and paint the crappiest still life ever just to get a feel for the process (and use these tubes up). But I can’t seem to make myself. Even the drawing step stalls. Drawing boxes and shapes is not really making sense to me because I spent so long untrained and just drawing contours by eye. Teaching yourself fundamentals later in life is hard.

    Art is probably not the hobby to be attempting when lacking energy and feeling low. Whether you make something bad or just don’t do anything it’s easy to feel like a failure either way.

    • @Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      56 days ago

      have you thought of getting colouring books and using those for painting practice?

      one skill at a time, a colouring book can help you get brush skills

      • @melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        6 days ago

        I have colouring books (and pencils because I can’t paint in bed) but I don’t know.

        I feel like I’m just not doing well mentally or physically (unavoidable) and art has taken on some bad associations/pressure. It doesn’t lessen my desire to do it but it is messing with me.

        This is not my biggest concern really. It just sucks that I can’t even do my less physical hobbies 🙃

        • @Seagoon_@aussie.zone
          6 days ago

          so many hugs

          when i went to calligraphy class a big part of learning was to have a project

          so maybe write down some ideas for a project and start on that. Just do it. 🙂

          and do look after yourself 😘😘😘

          • @melbaboutown@aussie.zone
            36 days ago

            Thanks. The colouring book is a good idea.

            I could either buy paint markers to be able to use on bed days or just try to take the pressure off myself about improving/doing a hard hobby

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    56 days ago

    On my hands and knees on and off vaccuming the floor.

    My fucking back hurts. I hate being this side of 30 lately lol.

    When I have a job, I should invest in some proper workout clothes and go to the gym to strengthen my back and arms. Idc about looking like a sweaty, unattractive bum, I gotta do it.

  • @melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    77 days ago

    Yeah the little rotary tool doesn’t have enough power to enlarge the little drilled holes with the grinder bit.

    Bunnings has an Ozito drill for $50 but can I justify it… I would have to buy separate drill bits too and not sure if universal

    • @Catfish@aussie.zone
      47 days ago

      Ozito is rubbish, but fine for occasional household use. Bits and batteries are where the real money adds up. Boyo has Pro level gear but still covets the variety of bits that came with my now 20yo GMC set.

      • @Taleya@aussie.zone
        6 days ago

        Ozito is not rubbish. Ozito are rebanded einhells. I’ve got a rotary hammer drill i’ve been abusing 15 years straight that is still punching holes in concrete. And their return policy if you do get a dud is generous as hell

    • @Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
      47 days ago

      I bought cheapo corded ozito one and was very surprised it worked so well (going through thick metal posts). I think the bit was almost as expensive as the drill heh. I rate them.

        • @Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
          37 days ago

          I think the cheap sets (any really) will do the trick but for more dense stuff I usually use/buy the more expensive ones individually as I keep on breaking the cheaper ones lol. It’s a graveyard of incomplete sets here :(

        • @Taleya@aussie.zone
          26 days ago

          We did 90% of our renos with an aldi bit set. Just get a mid set and update the bits you need as you wear them