You got this!
yay 🍀🍀🍀🍀
Yess! get that more pant!
More pant for the pant god!
Fuck yeah!!!
Onya 👍
Back down the bellarine…
Flower patch almost full tilt:
That looks really lovely.
Nice outdoor seating area! With that lovely garden bed to look over. I see a fire pit too.
So everyone had a shitty sleep then.
At least tomorrow looks like a normal day, then a couple more days of this bullshit.
drained and the week has only just begun.
I feel like I want to take Friday off but at the same time it might be a waste if I don’t have much work to do.
I had the strangest dream. I was in a room with people and we were all hooked up to some kind of device.
We had to have our body temperature lowered to the point of freezing so we could survive what was about to happen. I think we were supposed to phase through the floor and go somewhere.
We were all sitting on what looked like a kids adventure playground set.
There was someone with me, someone I cared about (but don’t recognise in real life), she tells me it’s going to be OK and I have to do this.
I have a lot or trust in this person, maybe even love, but I can’t remember much past this point. I start feeling really cold.
We had to go through with this. It was a life or death/end of the world scenario. Something bad was going to happen if we didn’t all do this.
God I love dreams.
That sounds like the start of an SCP
So jealous of people who remember their dreams haha
Next door to me is selling up, and they spent the long weekend clearing out the house. Including putting an elderly and derelict vinyl lounge suite out on the footpath, but no-one took it. I’ve just watched a compacting rubbish truck eat the whole lounge suite - impressively loud noises.
Do NOT look at your super account. Not that you’re supposed to anyway.
Even more important, don’t panic, sell everything /move to cash and crystalize the losses. Super is a long term investment and the losses are always followed (eventually) by gains, if you are out of the market when that happens and have to buy back in when it is more expensive you lose even more. And if the situation is worse than that and the world as we know it is actually ending your super balance won’t matter anyway.
some of us don’t have the long term , we are in short to medium term
That is more stressfull, but even if you are nearing retirement most of your savings generally have a longer time frame. Generally you would be moving some of the money to a lower risk investment in the leadup to retirement as the investment timeline gets shorter, into things like bonds which have been going up.
that’s exactly what I did
Is it buy the dip time?
Nah, it’s time to put it all in crypto. I’ve moved all my investments into Trump coins and I’m going to be rich any minute now.
Sometimes you can catch a falling knife by the handle.
Ah you’re an optimist I see
Blergh to this weather.
Second that.
Thirded that.
I like it :(
move to Perth, the waves are prettier too
Perth waves are far more pretty can’t deny that :)
Tonight’s wave:
Idyllic as always!
we really do have a beautiful planet ☺️
This hill will either make me extremely fit or cause a heart attack
You could say it’s a hill you’ll die on.
Don’t worry I already have my coat and I’ll close the door on the way out.
Thank you, that door keeps the aircon in 😉😉
I had a good sleep. The fan was less than a metre from my head so I think that helped.
I got maybe 2 hours of sleep and now I’m wide awake. Was it the pizza? I don’t know. I’m chugging water to see if it helps.
E: that was some very poor sleep with a conga line of unsettling dreams - including having my mother snooping around on my laptop while I’m pretending to sleep and trying to see if I’ve sent in forms to stay in uni longer. what
Also various natural disasters, erotica gone wrong, slips and falls… note to self do not eat a whole pizza before bed
Same here. Having tea not water as fully hydrated. Bleh.
Maybe the problem was that you didn’t eat ENOUGH pizza? The dream monster was still hungry.
This is a solid theory
I had bad sleep from my pizza a few days ago.
I had both pizza and poor sleep too. But I’m blaming it on the excessive overnight heat.
Bad sleep but no pizza. Woke at 1.30 and just tossed and turned from then with very little sleep
Crappy sleep here too, had some dreams but can’t for the life remember what they were able.
Need to remember it’s Tuesday, not Monday. And I may be a day out the rest of the week
Is anyone else in a shitty mood from the weather?
Yep, one or two days of warm weather is fine. However many days in a row it’s been now, too much. Also, it’s a constant battle to keep my place cool.
Yep. Sweaty, underslept and somewhat aghast at just how dry everything is in the garden, in spite of watering. I want a week of cool cloudy weather with frequent rain. The eucalypts on my nature strip though, they’re putting out a lot of tiny new leaves and shedding scads of bark so maybe they know something we don’t. The garden ants too are building lots of air holes which they usually only do if the weather is wet. I think we’re going to get a change in the weather pretty soon. Can’t wait.
Apparently tomorrow is bringing rain with chance of thunderstorms so I hope it hits us in the inner city!
I hope you’re right. My body isn’t reacting very well to this.
Wisdom of the Ages No. 733 - Trust the ants.
Phenomenally. It’s taking all my effort to even stay conscious it seems
I’ve slept 12 hours the last 3 days. I hear you.
Shitty mood but not weather related.
I’m pretty angsty and irritable lol
I’m hanging out for winter tbh, I wanna wear my hoodies dammit!
Angsty is exactly how I feel.
It’s been hard to acclimatize this year for sure. I work in a hot environment and expect it to be cooler outside lol. Everyone gets so drained and unmotivated. I want more autumn dammit. I love autumn. Where is that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness?!
Edit: And I get so bloody itchy!
Want to send an invoice to the suit that designed (or failed to design) the thermal qualities of this building. No way I should be paying this summer cooling bill on my own.
Good morning. Checking in to the woke up too early crew.