My first reaction to the title was “Why would Intel know anything? They make computer processors”
Were you drinking before posting this reply?
I mean, yes, but I fail to see how that’s relevant.
Neither does Pete!
I read it as Incel Leaders.
In an ideal world, the Secretary of Defense and the town drunk are two different people.
In an okayish world, even.
LOL even in a lunatics running the asylum world, they would know not to put the town drunk in charge of the nukes! Sure, they would do all sorts of inexcusable, irrational, funny as hell to them but really not funny at all things, but they would immediately stop in their tracks if someone said lets give the keys to the nukes to drunk Pete!?! They would give him the keys to his car sure, but NOT to the flippin’ nukes?! I don’t know what reality we’ve entered into but I don’t like it and I’m at a pretty safe distance form it all, at least for now!?
Doesn’t sound very EFFICIENT to me.
Hilarious if true… Or not. Either way!
I wish i could claim to be the originator, but alas I, as is custom, “borrowed” it from someone else
Might be easier to ask if he is ever sober
If he was drunk would he lie?
Well, finally. It took nearly a year for US news outlets to call Trump a liar for lying. Maybe it will take less time for Democrats to call a degenerate drunk a drunk.
”Much as we might be sympathetic to people with continuing alcohol problems, they shouldn’t be at the top of our national-security structure,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told The New Yorker
Did he ask Schumer if that was allowed? After all we WOULDNT want to ALIENATE Republican Voters who will NEVER vote Democrat!
And why you don’t go with a DUI hire.
Dammit, Kif! Where’s the little umbrella? That’s what makes it a scotch on the rocks.
Hegseth is just a social classified information leaker. Only when friends are around and only in moderation.
Who here would be able to get through any of this bullshit sober?
DUI hire
well it was a day ending in y
Drunk whilst making texting, coked up when delivering his ‘defense’.
Heads up: this is what actual oversight looks like.