Might be easier to ask if he is ever sober
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Might be easier to ask if he is ever sober
Great minds think alike ;)
what better way to promote 420 Day than to try to market ‘Anti-420 Day’ and tell supporters how to cancel the day and send out warnings instead
they just boosted 420 day by 500%
Another display of just how stupid the American people are
Government does something obviously and blatantly controversial and the American people just take it and the corporate media just sweep it under the rug
This isn’t a problem with the government … it’s a problem with the entire nation
They keep pulling the hair of the US population while taking them from behind … and all the people will do is try to ignore it all
This isn’t a problem with the government … the people are standing aside and either ignoring it, defending it or want to believe it has nothing to do with them.
Florida politics
isn’t that an example of an oxymoron?
The last time that happened, they invented the Church of England
They should make a companion pair of footwear that looks like blocks of concrete for your feet
The SS are using SS?
I SAW A BOOB! … there! … wait! … there it is! … right there! … I saw it!!!
When you’re born into this world, you’re given a ticket to the freak show. If you’re born in America you get a front row seat.
George Carlin
First they came for the immigrants
I was just listening to this report when I saw this post
This isn’t an Israeli Zionist problem … it’s a world problem because people are getting beaten and murdered and all we’re doing is just standing aside, watching it all and letting it all happen without saying a word.
This isn’t a nationalist idea … the oligarchs have won and are exporting authoritarianism to the globe. Most or the majority of people everywhere just want to have a peaceful life whether they are in the US, Russian, China or anywhere on the globe … it’s oligarchs and wealthy morons that think they can manipulate everyone, everywhere all the time and allow them to become rulers of the universe.
That is a great film that I should watch again … and so should everyone
There’s invitation for new hikers … no one ever talks about the ones who never returned or were heard from again
Not surprised … it’s corporations reporting on corporations … the same corporations that own and manage the egg producers also own or partly own the news corporations that are reporting on all this
The other big question that starts to be considered in these situations is … it’s cheaper and more economical if certain people cease to exist. The worse this situation becomes, the more prohibitively expensive it gets and the higher the risks go … the more likely that people will suddenly and conveniently drop off.
There is a lot of money and control in blackmailing people, but at a certain point those being blackmailed will start to use their money and power in other methods to remove risks.
Technological development and the future of our civilization is in control of a handful of idiots.
None of these actions, activities and events are the work of one man … he doesn’t have that much power … he’s not a god and he is not a king
All of this made possible because a large community of people in government in every party and level of government, supporters and enablers are all either supporting or allowing all this … or entire communities of professionals who are just standing aside and letting it all happen.